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It’s True:
This Ancient, 30-Second Fix Gives You
Rock-Hard Erections
On Demand And
‘Raging Bull’Sexual Power…
Fast And 100% Naturally.
Read This Shocking Report Before It Vanishes From The Internet Forever…
I’m Mike and if your erections don’t feel as full or firm as they were when
you were a younger man…

If you ever worry you can’t last long enough to give your woman the deep satisfaction she secretly craves…

If your sex drive has faded over the years, and you no longer feel that animal lust you’re supposed to feel when you’re with a beautiful woman, especially one you love…

And if your sex life has ever caused you shame and embarrassment, or caused a woman to look at you with disappointment in her eyes…

Then pay close attention, because I’m about to share with you a shocking story…

About how I went from feeling useless, ashamed and robbed of my manhood…

Watching my marriage and family crumble, while I stood by helpless…

Until I became so desperate, I did something horrifying that almost cost me everything I held dear.

Yet there’s more to this presentation. Much more, in fact…

Because I’m also going to share with you an all-natural 30-second secret that I discovered in an exotic, faraway land…

A secret that’s been buried and hidden from you for hundreds of years…

Yet once I stumbled upon it, it became my “sexual fountain of youth”…

And rewound my sex drive back to how I felt as a rock-hard, battle-ready 18-year-old U.S. Marine.

If You Suffer From Any Form Of
E.D. (Erectile Dysfunction), This Will Be
The Most Important Page You Ever Read…
Because the all-natural 30-second secret I’m about to give you has been hailed as a miracle by men of all ages…

From younger men who suffer “performance problems,” to white-haired seniors who haven’t experienced a fully firm, vein-bulging hardon in decades.

But before we begin, know this: ED is not your fault and you are not alone.

Clinical Studies Have Shown, 89% Of
Men Over The Age Of 40 Suffer
From ED In Some Form…
And 43% Of Men Under 40 Do, Too.

If your erections are softer or less sensitive than they used to be…or too sensitive…that’s ED.

If you ejaculate prematurely, that’s ED.

If you ever feel like there’s a “disconnect” between your brain and your “manhood” down there…

Like, your mind is willing, but your “soldier” won’t stand up and cooperate…

That’s ED, too, and in the next few minutes you’ll know the real reason why.

(It’s something most doctors will NEVER tell you…)

But make no mistake:
If You Ever Experience Any Of The
Symptoms I Mentioned, You’re Suffering
From Early Or Mid-Stage ED…
And If You Don’t Fix The Root Cause,
It’s Only A Matter Of Time Before
Full-Blown ED Sets In…
Leaving You In A Permanent And
irreversible State Of Penile Tissue Decay…
Or As Urologists Call It, “Sexual Death.”
The good news is, this natural 30-second secret…

Which was kept buried for centuries and almost lost to history forever…

Has finally been brought to light, giving you a safe, incredibly potent and all-natural method for reversing all forms of ED…

While restoring your sex drive back to when you were in your physical prime, allowing you and your partner to enjoy more intimacy…

More excitement…

Round after round of intense, passionate, headboard-rattling lovemaking …

And the most explosive, mind-blowing orgasms either of you have ever felt…

So that when you’re finished, she’ll look at you in a whole new way…

With lust, awe and respect for your dominant masculine power.

Best of all, you’ll do this without any awkward trips to the doctor.

No Expensive Prescriptions!

No Dangerous Pills, Weird “Pump”Devices, Or Painful Injections!

What you’re about to discover is
100% natural and it takes only
30 seconds per day.

The only “side effect” is that your woman will now crave your raging hardness inside of her…

Because now, she’s addicted to the pleasure hormones you set off in her brain like fireworks on the Fourth of July, every time you fill her up with your rock-hard manhood.

George M. from Boca Raton, Florida sent in this email after
discovering this simple 30-second secret…

“I thought my lack of interest in sex and weak erections were just something that happens as we get older. I knew it bothered my wife and she missed the intimacy. I’m so thankful that you showed me this, because it didn’t only save our marriage—it brought back so much fun and excitement! We feel like a couple of frisky teenagers again.”

And Thomas F. from Toronto, Canada
had this to say:

“I used to get anxious and stressed out whenever I was in bed with a woman for the first time. I was worried about not getting it up, or finishing too quick. But what you showed me made that all go away. Now, I feel relaxed and confident. I know I can ‘rise to the occasion’ whenever I want and last MORE than long enough to do the job.”

But Read This While You Can, Because
This Website Is Sending SHOCKWAVES Through The Pharmaceutical Industry.
The reason is simple: “Big Pharma” rakes in mountains of cash from drugs that treat the symptoms of ED, like Viagra and Cialis.

Yet even though doctors are eager to write us prescriptions, these drugs are not “medicine.” They’re actually poison.

It’s true – the pills work by poisoning an enzyme in your body which blocks blood flow to your penis.

And it’s only a matter of time before they stop working completely, leaving your penis deader than before.

If you choose this dangerous option you can also expect side effects, which can include sky-high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, even blindness…

And if you’re crazy enough to buy pills from online pharmacies, you’re really gambling with your life…

Because over 75% percent of pills sold online are not only phony, they’re loaded with dangerous synthetic compounds.

Obviously the Big Pharma pill pushers weren’t happy when they learned I’m exposing an all-natural ED fix that makes their drugs irrelevant and unnecessary…

And it’s why their pit bull lawyers are trying to shut this website down. In fact, this page could vanish at any time…which is why you need to read this now.

Like I Said, I’m Mike, And Back In My Days As a Young United States Marine I Would Have Never Imagined ED Would Nearly Wreck My Life.

I served my country proudly, until the day my patrol vehicle was ripped apart by a roadside bomb.

I survived by the grace of God, but my right knee was shattered. After months of surgery and rehab, I left the military with an honorable discharge.

I returned to civilian life in the small town I’d grown up in, and got a sales job at a car dealership.

I also met my soulmate. Angie. We got married and wasted no time starting a family. The Good Lord blessed us with two beautiful children, a boy and a girl.

I was a rising star at my job, and Angie and I had a fantastic sex life.

Even after years together, we were so affectionate towards each other we made other couples jealous…

Yet once I reached my 40s, my energy and motivation begin to slide downhill.

My belly grew, while my hairline shrunk…

My performance at work started to suffer…

And I wasn’t interested in sex the way I used to be. It wasn’t Angie’s fault. She kept herself in tip-top shape and still turned heads wherever she went…

But now, we’d be in bed and she would be naked, wet and ready… and I’d make excuses to NOT have sex because I knew I couldn’t perform.

It was as if my brain still found my wife as attractive as ever, but the message wasn’t getting passed down below my waist.

I blamed it on stress from my job, or my diet…

But as I continued to fail in the bedroom it caused me more embarrassment and anxiety…which only made the problem worse.

Some nights I could get hard, but I had trouble “keeping my wood.”

I’d go limp as a wet rag and wind up tugging on my sad, shriveled noodle, praying for a miracle…

Until Angie would let out a disappointed sigh and say “It’s okay, honey,” and crawl under the covers and turn away.

Other times I’d get myself just hard enough to penetrate her, but I was so worked up I’d lose control and blow it within seconds.

My Wife Would Tell Me “It’s Okay,” But As Men, We Know There’s Nothing OK About It!
It’s not only humiliating for us…

It’s also hurtful and embarrassing for HER.

She worries you aren’t attracted to her anymore.

She feels ugly. Fat. Old. Unwanted.

I felt so ashamed and furious with myself. What kind of man can’t fulfill his most basic duty to his wife?

I went to my doctor and asked him about testosterone injections, but he shot down that idea…

He said once you get on the fake stuff, your body’s natural testosterone production shuts down and your risk of prostate cancer shoots up.

Instead, he scribbled me a prescription for the “little blue pills.” They cost almost $30 each, which felt like highway robbery…

But worse, I hated myself for it. A man who has taken his vows to love and cherish his wife shouldn’t need to depend on some artificial drug to make love to her, right?

Still, the next night, I secretly popped a pill after Angie and I put the kids to sleep…

And as we lay in bed watching TV, I began to feel some tingling and stirring “down there…”

Thank you Lord, I thought…even if taking that pill was “cheating” in my mind, at least I could pleasure my wife again, like a man is supposed to…

I moved Angie’s hand onto my stiffening boner and she giggled like an excited schoolgirl. She thought the “old me” was finally back…

But suddenly, I felt flushed and sweaty. My heart started pounding like a jackhammer. I stumbled to the bathroom…

And as I slumped over the sink, splashing cold water on my face…

Angie opened the bathroom door and glared at me with ice-cold daggers in her eyes.

This time, she didn’t look disappointed. She was angry.

“This has gone on long enough,” she said.

And Then My Wife Said Five Words That
Smashed Me Like A Sledgehammer…
“Tell me who she is.”

My wife was suspicious that I was cheating on her!

It felt like a cruel joke. How could I be messing around, when I couldn’t even get it up for my own wife, the mother of my children?

I swore to Angie there was no one else. I made up the only excuse I could think of…

I told her my old combat injury had flared up, and my doctor had me on some pain medication that has “side effects” when it comes to a man’s sexual function.

I got her to believe me…for now…but as I hugged her close to my chest, I choked back tears of shame and frustration.

Right Then I Silently Swore To Myself That I Would Get To The Root Of This Nightmare And
Fix It – No Matter What.

I began spending my spare time doing research on the Internet and at our local university library.

I learned the standard medical explanation for ED: your body is unable to increase blood circulation to the vessels surrounding your penis, which prevents it from filling it with blood and giving you an erection.

Pills like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra can force this to happen artificially, but did you know almost 1,000 men die every year from heart attacks due to these drugs?

And every time you put that toxic junk in your system, it makes it even harder for you to ever get another natural erection again.

I Was Desperate For A Solution. My Wedding Anniversary Was Coming Up, And I Hadn’t Been “Intimate” With My Wife In Months…

I decided to go all out to save my marriage.

I maxed out my credit card to buy us two tickets to Egypt.

Angie was a history buff. She loved reading and watching shows about ancient civilizations. The Egyptian pyramids were at the top of her bucket list…

I figured if we could get away and be alone together, somewhere brand-new and romantic…

Maybe I could perform like a man again and we could make a freshstart.

When I showed Angie the plane tickets, she cried tears of joy.

We Promised Each Other, This Trip Would Be A New Beginning. Little Did I Know, It Would Become A Hellish Nightmare…

We dropped off our kids with Angie’s sister and off we went to Cairo, the sprawling capital of Egypt.

The first two nights of our trip, I avoided sex by saying I was exhausted from jetlag.

But on the third night, we were back in our hotel room after a long day of touring the pyramids…and Angie sprung a surprise on me.

She’d booked us a table for dinner, at a fancy restaurant along the banks of the Nile River.

“We came here to make a fresh start,” she said, “so let’s have dinner, and then I brought a special outfit for later.”

Angie opened her suitcase and held up some very “naughty” lingerie in front of her curvy body.

I smiled and pretended to be excited, but honestly, I felt anxious and sick to my stomach…

I’d Brought Along A “Secret Weapon”…
And Tonight, I Was Going To Use It.

An hour later we were at the restaurant, on our second bottle of wine…

Angie was buzzed and feeling frisky. Under the table, she slipped off her shoe and nuzzled her foot into my groin…

“Honey, thank you for this trip,” she purred. “It’s just you and me here, and tonight I’m going to show you my appreciation.”

A movie played out in my mind…later tonight, me in bed next to Angie…

She’s in her sexy lingerie, waiting for me to ravish her…

And I’m tugging on my sad, shriveled junk…as useless as soggy spaghetti…

Humiliating myself and letting her down AGAIN.

That’s When I Knew I Couldn’t Risk Another Pathetic Performance. Tonight Was “Do Or Die.”

I excused myself to go to the bathroom…

Locked myself inside a stall…

And pulled my “secret weapon” out of my pocket…

A penile injection kit I’d ordered from some website.

I must have looked like some pathetic junkie. Cringing in a bathroom stall, shooting up my limp penis full of some “black market” drug while I clenched my teeth to keep from screaming in pain…

A few minutes later, back at our table…as Angie ordered dessert and I gulped another glass of wine…I felt a painful cramping in my crotch.

Jolts of searing pain shot down my legs…

And I could feel my junk swelling up like a balloon hooked up to a pump.


Dear God, it felt like it was going to BURST!

I excused myself to go back to the men’s room, frantically unzipped my pants, and pulled out my penis. It looked swollen and deformed, turning black and blue.

I had to get to a hospital NOW!

I ducked out a back door and staggered down an alley, clutching my throbbing crotch… every step was agony…

Then The World Went Blurry And Began To Spin. From There, I Only Remember Bits And Pieces…
In the back of a speeding ambulance, sirens wailing…

Being wheeled through hospital hallways, strapped to a gurney, staring up at the ceiling lights flashing by…

Then I’m on an operating table…a team of doctors and nurses hovering over me…

A nurse preparing a giant syringe that looked like something you’d use on an elephant…

And then mind-exploding pain as she inserted it deep into my swollen penis and began to suck out a quart of blood.

That’s When My World Faded To Black.
I Regained Consciousness The Next Day…
Immediately, I yanked down the bed covers and checked the damage…

By the grace of God, my soldier was still there. Back to its normal size, though it looked like it’d gotten a beat down from Mike Tyson.

Then I saw Angie sitting beside me.

The doctors had already told her everything. I thought she’d be furious at me for taking that crazy injection…

But she told me she only cared about getting me through this. Getting us through this.

Once again I thanked the Lord for blessing me with a wife I didn’t deserve, and I prayed for an answer.

The next morning, Angie was resting back at our hotel when the doctor in charge came to see me. His name was Dr. Mustafa.

“We must attack the root cause of your problem right away,” he told me, “because erectile dysfunction is a symptom of something larger and much deadlier.”

He continued…

“ED means your arteries are clogged with plaque, which is preventing proper blood flow to your penis. In over 90% of my patients, this also means plaque in your coronary arteries, which puts you at risk of a heart attack at any moment. Or clogging in a brain artery, which can mean a massive stroke at any time.”
Dr. Mustafa scribbled something in Arabic on a piece of paper, and handed it to me…

“This is all you need,” he said. “Before you go back to your country, show that to a taxi driver. He’ll know where to take you to get this.”

“To get what?” I asked.

“A ‘local remedy,’ the doctor said. “You’ll never hear of it in America, but it’s a formula that’s been used for thousands of years in Asia and the Middle East, going back to the days of the emperors and conquerors. Think of it as an ‘elixir.’ An ancient drink of the Gods.”
The Doctor Explained, Asia’s Richest And Most Powerful Men Have Always Been Obsessed With Boosting Their “Jing Chi,” Or “Sexual Energy”…

Back in ancient times, emperors used their Jing Chi to produce dozens, even hundreds of children with harems of women…to pass on genetic legacies that would last forever.

It’s said the legendary warlord Genghis Khan drank this elixir every night before he laid down with his wives…

And he sired so many children – well into his 80s – that historians say today, 1 in 200 men can trace their DNA back to him.

According to Dr. Mustafa, men in the Far East have sworn by this all-natural instant ED fix for centuries, because it gives you more than vein-bulging erections on demand…

It also has powerful anti-aging effects and can rewind your energy levels and vitality back to your physical prime.

I thanked Dr. Mustafa, even though I was skeptical…

And the next day, I was released from the hospital. We had one more day in Egypt. While Angie went souvenir shopping, I headed out on a mission.

I showed Dr. Mustafa’s “prescription” to a taxi driver and he brought me to a hole-in-the-wall shop that looked like a pharmacy from a hundred years ago.

The toothless old lady behind the counter looked at my piece of paper and handed me a bag filled with brown powder. I paid her and went on my way.

Once we were back home in the USA, I used the powder to make a pot of tea. The smell of it brewing was awful. I was barely able to gag it down…

At first, I felt nothing…but 30 minutes later, I started feeling some tingling and movement in my crotch…

I could actually feel the blood flow being transferred from other areas of my body, directly into my rapidly stiffening penis. The sensation was incredible!

But then…it stopped.

I was about 70% erect when the tingling faded and my erection began to shrink.

Still, I could tell there was something to this “magic brew.” But I wasn’t going to tell Angie about it yet. I didn’t want to get her hopes up.

Over the next week, I experimented with different dosages and took it in different forms…in a tea, mixed with coffee, as a smoothie…

Each time the results were a little different, but not quite right. I’d drink a batch of my “magic brew” and within minutes I’d have a hard-on, but it wasn’t 100% firm, and it wouldn’t last…

Or I’d feel nothing until hours later, and suddenly get a raging hard on while I was at my job trying to sell some old lady a car! That was no good, either…

Then The Breakthrough Happened.
One Night I Drank My “Magic Brew”
An Hour Before Bedtime…
Angie and I were in bed watching TV, when suddenly I felt that tingle again…except this time, I got 90% erect. And it didn’t go down!

I pulled Angie towards me and we made love, and that’s when…

I Gave My Wife Her First
Screaming, Body-Shaking Climax In Years!
We were both thrilled, but to be honest, I still hadn’t gotten that full, raging, rock-hard firmness I used to get as a younger man…

And I could only go for one round. Angie wanted more, but I needed to get a good night’s sleep to “recharge” and do it again the next day.

However, now I had a bigger problem…

My supply of powder was almost finished.

I needed to know what was in this stuff so I could get my hands on some more!

I tried calling the hospital in Egypt and asking for Dr. Mustafa, but the receptionist told me in broken English that he was on holiday.

I gave them my phone number and begged them to pass it along to the doctor, but I doubted I’d ever heard from them again…

So I did the only thing I could think of: I sent my last spoonful of powder to a lab, and asked them to analyze the ingredients.

Two days later, they emailed me a list of five herbs and minerals…

And to my surprise, I was able to locate them at my local health food stores and even the supermarket I shop at.

These All-Natural, Insanely Powerful
ED-Reversing Ingredients Have Been Under
Our Noses This Whole Time…On The Shelves Of Our Local Stores…
Yet as I would discover, while each of these ingredients, on their own, can help with certain aspects of ED and your overall male vitality…

It’s when you combine these five ED-smashing ingredients that you get a “synergistic effect.” An amazing chain reaction.

Now that I had the ingredients, I kept experimenting and found that one cup of my “magic brew” taken every day, 30-60 minutes before sex, was ideal for me.

Taking more of it or upping the dosage didn’t boost the effect. One cup, taken at the right time, gave me the most benefits.

I also figured out how to add a couple of things to smooth out the taste, and even make it enjoyable to drink.

Now I was able to make love to Angie two or even three times per day, as long as I drank a cup before each session…

But I still missed those full-strength, raging hard-ons I had in my 20s. And the powerful ejaculations…

(My “loads” were a weak dribble compared to what they once were…)

Then one afternoon while I was at work, my phone rang. It was Dr. Mustafa, finally returning my phone call!

I thanked him for everything and told him about my progress. He told me I was lucky I’d had my ‘accident’ in Egypt, otherwise I never would have found out about the elixir…

But I had to ask him…
Was There Anything I Could Add To
My Brew, To Make It More Potent?
I felt like I was 90% there, but if there was some way to tweak it, to give it some extra firepower…

Dr. Mustafa understood. He said the ingredients were usually strong enough for the average man in his part of the world…

But in the Western world, we’ve been exposed our whole lives to pollutants, processed foods, pesticides, toxic chemicals in our water…

Even the chemicals in plastic water bottles have been shown to lower our testosterone and murder our sex drive.

In other words, we might need a stronger, more potent form of this elixir.

Dr. Mustafa gave me some simple instructions over the phone…

And I made a tiny addition to my “magic brew” that unleashed my full sexual beast a few nights later.

I remember stepping out of the shower, and standing in the doorway looking into our bedroom…

Angie was in bed, half-asleep, scrolling through Facebook on her phone…

When I dropped my towel to the floor and stood before her, naked, exposing my fully erect manhood in all its throbbing glory.

At last, I had 100%, hard-as-steel firmness.

Angie looked over at it and gasped.

For the next 24 hours, our bedroom became the Sexual Olympics.

Round after round, in every position…including some I think we invented…

It was raw, animal lust. I’d never seen my wife so turned on. She craved me inside of her, begging for more…clawing her nails deep into my back, wanting it deeper, harder…

And for the next couple of weeks, I drank my brew – enhanced with that one final ingredient the doctor told me about – and I delivered like a champion.

I no longer needed hours to recharge. I could shoot thick “ropes” of ejaculate, and be ready 30 minutes later with another vein-bulging erection of steel.

At This Point, I Could Have Kept This
Astonishing Secret To Myself, But Too
Many Other Men Needed This…
Like my brother-in-law Jason. He was only 39, yet his sex life with his wife was dead and they were bored and unhappy with each other.

I mixed up a batch of the brew and gave it to him, along with my special instructions.

Within two weeks of getting on the brew, and following my other pointers, Jason told me they were screwing like rabbits “like they were on their honeymoon again!”

It truly is amazing, the way a woman feels bonded to you, and will do anything to please you, in and out of the bedroom…

When you can satisfy her completely and give her body-shaking, toe-curling orgasms that send her into a state of pure ecstasy.

After I shared this secret with a few others, the word began to spread. Soon I was getting emails and Facebook messages from strangers, asking me to share my “elixir” with them.

But I’d discovered that to really make this work…to get the best results in the shortest time possible…you need more than just the ingredients.

I’d also discovered mental hacks and shortcuts that eliminate performance anxiety and keep you in control of your erections…

Along with simple lifestyle tweaks that will super-charge your overall health and vitality, so you won’t only be an Alpha Male in bed…

You’ll possess more energy and confidence and feel strong and dominant all day long.

This is why I took all of my knowledge, research and field-testing, and condensed it all down into a simple, easy-to-follow system that men like us can easily follow…

And use tonight.

No matter your age…

No matter how long it’s been since you had fully satisfying sex…

And no matter if you’re looking to put the spark back in your relationship, or you want to have sexual adventures with new women and make them worship you like an ancient Sex God emperor.

Here’s what Tom M. from Arizona – who felt trapped in a
sex-starved marriage said about this simple system…
“My wife and I had a good sex life earlier in our marriage, but the last 6 years or so, I’d be lucky to get laid once every two months.

There was always an excuse…but deep down I knew I just wasn’t satisfying her any longer…

But that all changed once I started drinking the ‘Elixir’ and following your system. We’re doing it nearly every day now – and it’s the hottest, kinkiest sex we’ve ever had!

Thanks for sharing this with me brother – I owe you!”

I Could Share Success Stories
All Day From Men Who’ve Experienced This All-Natural Breakthrough…
But I know you’re ready to enjoy this for yourself. So now let me
introduce you to this system, which I call “ED Elixir.”

The clinically-proven nutrients and natural aphrodisiacs you’ll discover inside ED Elixir come from Mother Nature herself, and when you combine them and create the chain-reaction “synergy effect”…

You’ll turbo-charge your libido and radiate masculine sexual energy
Improve blood flow for fully engorged, raging erections
Heal neural pathways between your brain and penis
Repair vascular inflammation for peak sexual function
Skyrocket your sexual pleasure (and hers)
Control your orgasms so YOU decide when to “unload”
Triple the volume and power of your ejaculations
Restore the youthful energy and vigor you had in your 20s
Fill your partner with lust, desire and admiration for you, since now you’re her personal “Sex God”
If you’re single, you can have your pick of beautiful women – because every woman you bed will crave more sex with you and want to be yours.
Now Let Me Tell You About The Five Of The ED-Smashing “Super Soldiers” Included In This Magical Combination…
First, the elixir contains L-Citrulline. This amino acid converts into L-Arginine once it enters your body, which increases your nitric oxide levels and creates better blood circulation. This is essential for fully firm, rock-hard erections.Next there’s Tribulus, which has a long history of use by men to skyrocket strength and stamina. Modern research shows it’s one of the keys to male sexual health.Your elixir will also contain Maca Root. The indigenous people of Peru have been using this natural sex drive booster for well over 2,000 years. It also jacks up your sperm production, which makes your orgasms stronger and more pleasurable.Then there’s Catuaba Bark, a plant-based aphrodisiac popular in Brazil, where it’s been used for centuries to heighten sexual arousal and treat male sexual performance problems. It’s also known to lower high blood pressure and get rid of mental and physical fatigue.
Many men who experience the power of ED Elixir don’t just rave about their results in the bedroom. They also notice greater mental sharpness, and enhanced energy and focus,making you more successful in all areas…

And the Elixir would not be complete without Muira Puama. This ED-destroying ingredient comes from the bark and roots of a small tree native to the Brazilian Amazon. Indigenous peoples have used it for centuries to maintain their sex drive and vitality well into their 80s & 90s!
The good news is, you don’t need to travel to faraway lands to find these ingredients. They’re available to you locally. You just need to know how to properly combine them and prepare them…

And inside the ED Elixir system, there are a few simple steps and “shortcuts” I’m going to show you, to make them work for you at maximum strength.

But That’s Not All. There’s Also The Final
“Mystery Ingredient” Dr. Mustafa Revealed
To Me On Our Phone Call…
Which takes the five ingredients and amplifies them for men like you and me…who need the “extra boost” due to being raised on processed foods and other toxic, testosterone-killing factors.

This final ingredient is extremely simple for you to get, also – in fact, you can get it by eating a certain delicious food.

Everything you need to know to reverse your ED today is inside this digital system, which you can view immediately on your computer, smartphone or tablet.

The system includes an easy-to-follow guide which explains exactly which ingredients you need to create the Elixir in the comfort of your own home, or on the go, if you’re traveling…

Along with full instructions on where to buy the ingredients, or order them, and the dosages you’ll want to use according to your needs.

We find that most men prefer to drink one cup of the Elixir every day, whether they plan on having sex that day or not…because it contains so many other amazing health benefits, and it’s completely safe for long-term usage.

In fact, ED Elixir is designed to be a long-term solution for optimal male health and vitality that you’ll welcome as part of your daily routine.

And the ingredients are so cheap, when you break it down, a cup of “the brew” costs no more than 50 cents!

Yet the instructions on how to create the Elixir are just one part of the system…

Because you’re also getting instant access to closely-guarded secrets about ED, and sexual performance, that will fix your mindset, eliminate anxiety, and give you an “unfair advantage” over other men.

By Now, ED Elixir Has Helped 19,230 Men And Counting, From 43 Countries Worldwide.
This system will hold you by the hand and walk you through the steps, so within moments of getting your hands on it, you’ll be able to reverse your ED forever and become a rock-hard stud in the bedroom…

Every time.
It’s drop-dead simple to use and takes only 30 seconds per day. Take the elixir as a tea, mix it in your coffee, make a smoothie, or if you’re working out, include the ingredients in a protein shake…

You’ll get a variety of different, delicious recipes and full instructions inside the ED Elixir system.

Enjoy your Elixir in the morning, on your lunch break, or before bed. Just see which time of the day works best for you.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m only telling you about 10% of what you’ll discover inside the system, which was personally reviewed by Dr. Mustafa and other leading experts.

So Now Let Me Ask You A Serious Question…
What kind of value would you place on a system you can instantly download to your phone, tablet or computer…

That will eradicate your ED permanently, restore your manhood, and skyrocket your confidence, energy and stamina?

What would it be worth to know that you can get hard as steel on command, and fill your partner with pleasure for hours on end…

Over and over…

As her eyes roll back in her head and she loses herself in a state of pure ecstasy and bliss…

And when you’re done with her, she’s so exhausted she can barely move because you’ve blown her mind and completely and utterly satisfied her?

And if from now on, she feels sexually and emotionally addicted to you, because she knows you are the ONLY man who can give her these experiences?

A lot of men would give virtually anything for this kind of dominant sexual power.

I personally know guys who’ve spent thousands of dollars on pills, pumps, injections and even surgeries…but still couldn’t achieve the rock-hard, vein-bulging erections you will soon enjoy.

Then there is the tragic cost men pay when they keep going down the WRONG path…

Like the millions of men who permanently lose their sex drive and ability to get hard, and tell themselves “it’ll be okay, our relationship is about more than just sex…”

Yet they suffer through crushing breakups and brutal divorces…because the truth is, your woman does need satisfying sex from you, on a regular basis…and if you aren’t delivering, she cannot truly respect you as a man.

Then there are men who don’t know about this all-natural, 30 second fix, and they wind up paying with their health…

They become dependent on pills and develop deadly heart conditions that ruin their bodies or suddenly strike them down dead…

And others who resort to surgery to try to fix their ED, and suffer deformed penises and worse sexual function than ever.

When The Word First Got Out About This System, I Was Contacted By Strangers Who Begged To Pay Me Up To $2,000 For Access…
But I’m not some greedy pharmaceutical executive who only cares about buying his next mansion or private jet…

I’m just an average guy like you. I know what you’re going through…

The only difference is, I was lucky enough to stumble upon this amazing, all-natural solution.

So I would never ask you to pay $2,000, even though they tell me it would be worth every penny.

It won’t be $997.

It won’t even be $197.

Your only investment today is a refundable deposit for the small amount you see below.

vsl 37-7 price

This is the bare minimum I need to cover the costs of keeping this website online…and it probably won’t be online much longer, for reasons you now understand.

I need to pay monthly server costs, and I’m also paying a Customer Support team to be available to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week…

Because in the event that you’re not wildly thrilled with the results you get from ED Elixir, your deposit is 100% refundable.

If You Aren’t Totally Satisfied, Email My Customer Support Team and Get Every Penny Back…At Any Time Over The Next 60 Days.

I invite you to go ahead and try the ED Elixir system. Swipe the secrets. Feel the results. Then decide whether you want your deposit back.

There’s no hurry. You have a full 60 days.

There are no hidden fees or subscriptions. Just a safe and secure one-time deposit.

If for some reason (or no reason at all) you decide you want your deposit returned, all you need to do is send an email to our friendly 24-Hour Customer Support team and request your refund.

You don’t need to explain why. Our refund policy is “No Questions Asked.”

You can even keep the system as my way of saying “thanks” for giving it a try.

How am I able to make such a bold promise? Because I firmly believe ED Elixir is going to work wonders for you, as it has done for over 16,500 men.

So if you’re ready to start reclaiming your manhood today, knowing you have no risk, just click the button below to get started.

Since You’ve Come This Far, I Know You
Realize The Power Of This System…
And to make sure you get even faster and more powerful results, I’m going to add these digital bonuses to your order, totally free of charge…

Fast Action Bonus #1

“Her Ultimate Fantasy Lover” (A $67 Value)

This value-packed report shows you exactly what you need to do in order to become the most incredible lover your woman will ever know.

Just be warned, we’ve received reports from students that just one of the many secrets in this bonus is enough to make women get sexually addicted to you.

When you click the button below and act now, you’ll also receive…

Fast Action Bonus #2

“Dirty Talk Secrets” (Regular Value: $97)

One of the most powerful “sexual tools” at your disposal is your tongue.

I’m not talking about using it between her thighs. I mean using it to speak “trigger words” that activate her dirtiest desires.

Talking dirty to a woman…the right way…is one of the fastest, most powerful ways to unleash her deepest, naughtiest cravings.

Fast Action Bonus #3

Last But Not Least, Let Me Give You Fast Action Bonus #3 “Sexual Stamina Secrets” – (Regular Value: $97)

Getting hard on command is what makes you a stud in her eyes. Staying hard long enough to send her into orbit is what makes you a legend.

In this exclusive bonus, you’re going to learn never-before-revealed tips and tricks for mastering your ejaculations, so that you never “blow it” too soon and always leave her utterly satisfied and in awe of your sexual stamina.

So let’s recap. When you click the button below and
try out the ED Elixir system, totally risk-free for
60 days, you also get immediate access to…


“Her Ultimate Fantasy Lover”
(A $67 Value)


“Dirty Talk Secrets”
(A $97 Value)


“Sexual Stamina Secrets”
(A $197 Value)
That’s almost $400 worth of free bonuses you’re getting when you give ED Elixir a try today, totally risk-free.
Note: If you decide to ask for your deposit to be returned, you’ll STILL get to keep the ED Elixir program along with all the bonuses!

That’s the least I can do, to thank you for giving this a try…

And I’m able to make you this promise because I’m confident you’ll want to thank me once you experience the results for yourself.

On the next page, you will submit your refundable deposit through our secure Checkout Page.

Your payment details and personal information will be kept completely confidential, because our Checkout Page is encrypted with the latest 256-Bit encryption technology. And to further protect your privacy, nothing about “ED Elixir” will appear on your credit card or bank statement.

The only thing that will show up will be a charge from “CLICKBANK,” which is the secure payment processor that we use.

But you do need to act now. Click the order button below and complete the checkout process.

It only takes 30 seconds to fill out the form on the next page, and then you’ll have the complete ED Elixir system right in front of you, plus all of the valuable bonuses, on your screen.

Right now, you’ve got three options…

Option 1 –

You can close this page and continue with your routine as usual, and your sex life will remain the same…

No sex at all, or more disappointment and frustration. And please remember, this is a problem that only gets worse if left untreated.

When it comes to the health of your penis it’s “use it or lose it…”

Because if you have any form of ED, the muscle fibers and capillaries in your penis are deteriorating from inactivity.

Do you really want to keep delaying until your penis has no hope of ever being functional again?

Then there’s Option 2 –

You can use the knowledge you’ve gained from this web page to “wing it” and try to figure this out on your own.

You can try to track down the ingredients, and mix them in a tea or a smoothie…but it will be a lot of “trial and error,” because you won’t have the full list…

And you won’t have the other shortcuts inside the system that fix the “mental side” of your problem and show you how to use the system to full effect.

Really, why would you want to experiment and possibly make your problem even worse, when ED Elixir removes all of the guesswork and hands you the solution?

Then there’s Option 3 –

Try out ED Elixir today, fix this problem once and for all, and enjoy “sexual superpowers” from this day forward.

You’ll get the complete ED Elixir system, plus the complete bonus package, all for the small, refundable amount you see below.

Simply click the “Add To Cart” button below and complete your check out process.

Remember, you get to try this out for an entire 60 days before you decide whether you want your deposit back.

Now is the time to reclaim your manhood.

Click the button that says “Add To Cart” and simply fill out the short form on the next page. It’ll take 30 seconds, tops.

Don’t forget, our checkout page is 100% safe and secure, and your details will be kept totally confidential…

And once you complete your checkout, the complete ED Elixir system, plus all of the bonuses, will be available to you in our private Members Area.

Click on the “Add To Cart” button, and I’ll see you on the inside.

vsl 37-7 price

P.S. You’ve been held back for too long by the lies and deceptions spread by the pharmaceutical industry.

Now is the time to take charge and reclaim your happiness and masculinity.

Today is the day to reverse and fix your ED so that the only people who lose out are the filthy rich Big Pharma executives who have one less victim to prey upon…

Because you are about to join the ranks of our thousands of grateful members who are finally free.

P.P.S. You know you want to claim this incredible opportunity. And I know you never want her to feel the hurt and embarrassment she feels every time you can’t satisfy her…

She shouldn’t blame herself for being too undesirable or unattractive for you…

But how long do you think she’ll wait around for you to figure out your problem?

No man should ever have to find out…

And thankfully, you’ll never have to…because right now you can click the button below to fix this once and for all.

Really, it’s not a “decision” at all, because you’re taking no risk. You’re covered by my ironclad money back guarantee.

If you’re not wildly thrilled by the power and firmness of the erections you get, and the outrageous amount of pleasure and enjoyment you and your partner now have with your sex life…

You can simply send an email to our friendly 24-Hour Customer Support team, and get every penny back. No questions asked.

The only reason I can make you this bold guarantee is that thousands of men around the world are discovering this system every week and raving about their results.

Now it’s your turn to join this elite club.

Click on the button below that says “Add To Cart” and let’s get started.

vsl 37-7 price



ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

Some names and personal identifying information on this site have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, video, images & other material, contained on this website is for educational & entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Regardless of your current state of health, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your current health condition, a medical condition or treatment, and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Results May Vary: the results and testimonials on this site are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual results, including amount and time, will vary. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means results will also vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Mike Manning is a pen name used for marketing purposes and to protect the author’s identity. Any likeness to a real Mike Manning living or dead is entirely coincidental.

*For international shipping (outside of the United States), shipping fees will apply.

© ED ELIXIR. All Rights Reserved.

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This product is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with VSL, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund you the entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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