Marathon & Half Marathon Packing List FREE printable

Be ready to crush your race and enjoy your running vacation with this free printable packing list. It has everything you need for MARATHON RACE DAY (or any distance race) plus space to write in extras you want to pack. If you don’t have a printer – there’s a screenshot size version you can save to reference while you’re packing.

Complete the form below to get your printable RACE DAY PACKING LIST and PLANNER now.

This list is designed for Half Marathon or Full Marathon RACE DAY. It’s not a destination race packing guide, but does work if you’re traveling to a race too. Just make sure you have a vacation packing list if you like using them for all your travel packing.

I do really think it’s helpful to use a race day packing list for half and full marathons – even when I’m running a local race. You don’t want to forget anything you need! Running 13.1 or 26.2 miles is hard enough without extra stress of thinking you forgot your fuel or something you really want in your post race bag.

Marathon Half Race Day Packing List

And I also included a Race Day Planner form to help you plan out logistics of race day morning and after the race. It’s important to be as prepared as possible the day of your half or marathon so you can concentrate on running your best. Everything you do leading up to the start line can help you feel better prepared and more confident to run a great race.

The Race Day Strategy form gives you a chance to set your goals for the race, pacing strategy and fuel plan for race morning. If this is your first half or full marathon or you tend to be very nervous on race day – this can be very helpful. Also – having a pacing strategy can help you run a smart race (and not go out too fast).

After your race it’s a good idea to take some time to think about how you ran overall, how you feel physically and mentally and any lessons you can take away from the entire experience. Whether you hit a PR, it’s your first marathon or you didn’t run as fast as you thought you would –> YOU CAN LEARN FROM YOUR RACE & TRAINING.

So, I included a Post-Race Check-In worksheet to help you identify what worked on race day and your training as well as what either didn’t work or needs to change to run better, stronger and faster next time. Learning what works for your body while training and on race day is key to becoming a better runner.

You can read every running blog, running book and social post from running coaches and other runners – but that’s not unique to you. Luckily, the post-race assessment is 100% based on your race and training. Use that information to change what didn’t work and repeat the things that did work.

If you want the free printable Race Day Packing List, Goal Setting Worksheet and Post Race Check-in –> Complete the form and I’ll email it to you right away.

Let me know if you have any questions!

KEEP GOING with these:

Packing for Wine and Dine Half Marathon
How to Deal with Taper Before Your Half or Full Marathon
5 Things I’ll Never Do After Running 32 Marathons 
Sports Bra Haul Review (video)
My Half & Full Marathon Training Must Haves


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