
Mindbody Matrix Pain Cream

Original price was: $97.97.Current price is: $59.97.


63 Year Old Retired Librarian Discovers
30-Second Fix That Relieves Daily Joint Pain in Less Than

Never Heard of It? Keep reading…

Hint: This has to do with a $213 billion36 secret Big Pharma is hiding… and a daily 30-second Biblical ritual.

Our Success Has Been Featured In:




Last Year… I was inches away from putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger.

It all started during a quiet Thanksgiving dinner when my joint pain flared up…

And became so excruciating that I fell onto the kitchen floor…

Screaming at the top of my lungs…

As bolts of pain shot through my entire body.

While my husband called for an ambulance…

Every moment waiting for help felt like torture.

As I lay there, all I could think was “God, why am I being punished like this”.

Things only got worse when I finally arrived at the hospital’s E.R…

Because all the doctors did was stick me with needles…

Doped me with pain medication…

Ran tests…

And sent me home to “wait it out”.

But the pain medication didn’t work.

Because after a decade of being prescribed pain pills…

My tolerance was too high…

And as soon as I got home, the pain was even worse than before.

That night I cried and cried in my husband’s arms…

And after years of being shut inside with pain, unable to work, unable to have friends or sleep…

I felt like there was only one option out…

Reach into the bedside drawer, pull out my husband’s handgun…

And end the suffering for good.

However, even though that was one of the worst and most painful days of my life…

It took me on a remarkable journey that completely transformed my life.

As I Discovered An Incredible 30-second Fix…

That Is Scientifically Proven To Relieve Joint Pain In 48 Hours Or Less.
Not only that but this miracle discovery that…

Eliminates muscle, nerve pain, and discomfort.
Wipeouts the inflammation that destroys the cartilage in your joints…
And provides relief to all of your joints; including in your knees, hips, hands, fingers and back, and more…

It’s all because of a brand new joint pain discovery…

That’s being hailed by the world’s top doctors as one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of the century…

In fact, it was discovered by a Nobel Prize winner…

And has been most recently studied in the most prestigious medical institutes in the world like Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine1, Stanford University2 and Oxford University.3


And It’s Worked For Over 57,343 Men And Women All Around The World!
Including me.

Discovering this 30-second fix has completely transformed my life…

I suffered from joint pain for more than 40 years…

And seven years ago, I had to take early retirement from a job I loved, because I could hardly walk with the crippling pain…

We were down to one income, with crushing debt piling up around us.

We were evicted from our family home…

And forced to move in with my son and grandkids.

Meanwhile, my pain grew worse and worse.

I needed constant help to walk around to make sure I wouldn’t fall over… even in the bathroom.

It became so bad, at one point just trying to open my prescription bottle would bring me to tears…

I felt like a burden to everyone I love.

And as I would later learn….

It Was All Because Of A Rogue And “Hellish Pain Enzyme”
That Causes Excruciating Levels Of Joint, Muscle, And Nerve Pain…

This “Hellish Pain Enzyme”…

Is at the ROOT of every known form of joint pain…

And if left unchecked…

It causes joints to tighten…

Bones to grind…

And attacks nerves…

All of which causes excruciating, unbearable pain.

This “hellish pain enzyme” was the reason I couldn’t live my life…

Why I had to take toxic liver killing and addictive drugs.

And why the tiny things everyone takes for granted…

Like opening a bottle of shampoo…

Lifting a heavy pyrex out of the oven…

Or even a simple trip to get a few groceries…

Left me in pain and wishing for a miracle.

But Now, Thanks To This
Proven And Natural 30-second Fix…
My Family And I Have The Life We’ve
Always Dreamed Of.

The secrets behind this 30-sec herbal fix…

Are being researched by world-famous scientific institutions like…

The U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research…4

The University of Texas…5

The Journal of Medicinal Food…6

And more!


And current studies show that when you use this 30-sec herbal fix properly…

It interrupts that rouge enzyme’s process…

Thereby reducing inflammation and pain at its route…

Helping prevent joint and cartilage destruction…

And creating a pain-relieving effect that rivals that of some of the most popular drugs doctors push.

And the best part is…

It doesn’t require additional doctors…

Or physical therapy sessions…

Or more expensive pills and syringes with unnecessary side effects…

Or any weird and useless tools and exercises.

And if you’re like myself and thousands of others…
It will help you to tame the non-stop inflammation & pain in all of your achy joints…
Just look at what people are saying about it…


Noah Ramsey

I have been doing this now for 20 days with very good results! In just a short time, I noticed 2 main improvements: I drove for 6 hours (normally my back gets very stiff on long drives) with absolutely no discomfort at all! This NEVER happens!

Another improvement: Every Sunday when I go to church (in my church we stand for long periods of time) I usually get the lower back stiffness similar to when I go on long drives (previously mentioned). It has now been 3 Sundays in a row with ZERO discomfort while standing during church time!! I have also noticed that some of my other minor aches and pains from everyday exercising have not been as noticeable.

Noah Ramsey


Martha Samson

Been doing this it for a month and my knees are so much better I can climb stairs now

All my joints are feeling better

I would recommend this to everyone.


Martha Samson

Decreased my pain and swelling!

Patrick Michaels

I can tell a noticeable improvement in the pain and swelling. It also seems to give me a burst of energy. Will not be without it again!

Love it,

Patrick Michaels

As for me…

I can finally stay in the garden all day until my heart’s content.

My family and I now go to church twice a week…

And I sit comfortably at church or stand in line at the grocery store without a tinge of back, neck, or hand pain.

And because I can move around and exercise again… I lost over 27lbs of fat!

Best of all my sweetheart husband has a gleam in his eyes every day as he can finally rest easy knowing I’m happy and feeling good for the first time in years!

So let me go ahead and tell you exactly how the 30-second fix works.

Like I said, my name is Julie Clark.

I’m a 62 years old retired librarian from Fresno County, California.

And I’m sure like many others — my story is the same…

See I wasn’t always in pain…

For the first 25 years of my life everything was fantastic…

I had my dream job…

3 beautiful kids…

And was married to my High School sweetheart.

I thought that God had blessed me with everything I could ever want…

But then I started noticing weird symptoms…

Out of nowhere I found myself sleeping 10-11hrs each night…

And by mid-day I’d be falling asleep at my desk at work.

Now, I didn’t think much of it at first…

But then I started to get these weird jolts of pain out of nowhere.

It started off as achy knees, sharp pain in my upper back, and in my left hand.

And Little Did My Joint Pain Nightmare

Was About To Destroy My Entire Life…
After 6 months the pain grew worse.

I went to see my doctor to see if he could help me figure out what’s going on.

They ran some blood work, and said I was fine…

And the swelling in my knee, hand, and back were unrelated…

That I just needed to rest up, ice it and I’d be fine.

But that didn’t help…

And a year went by and the pain grew worse…

So, I switched doctors…

Went to hospitals all across the state…

Saw tons of specialists…

And they all told me the same few things over and over again…

Some said it was my nutrition…

Even though I had a perfect diet.
Others said I didn’t do enough physical activity…

Even though I was in peak physical condition.
And others told me I wasn’t getting enough sleep…

Even though I was still sleeping 10-11hrs a day.
Doctors Never Listened…
They Just Made Me Feel Like I Was Crazy…
And Before I Knew It, 44-Years Of Daily Pain Went By.

And I No Longer Looked Or Felt Like Myself.

Because I could hardly move, let alone exercise….

I ended up gaining more than 35 pounds of ugly, stubborn body fat.

I had to practically starve myself to keep from getting any bigger.

And I’m sure as you know…

If you have pain…

Out of nowhere, everyone, even the bank teller, magically becomes a pain expert…

And over the years I’ve heard IT ALL…

Oh, do you ice?
Pilates and yoga can do wonders for your joints.
Smoke some pot.
This is all part of God’s plan for you.
You really need to get off those pain meds. They’re so bad for you. [That one was the worst.]
It’s like people think you’re an idiot, or lazy, or just want the attention.

And one of the most hurtful things my so called “best friend” told me was…

“Everyone has problems. you need to stop complaining and GET over yours”.

And Years Of Going To Specialist After Specialist Without Relief Made Me Want To Give Up…
I Just Felt Broken.
They’d run MRIs, CAT scans, X-Rays…

I’d see a Sleep Specialist…

Get Blood work and more.

But year after year…

The pain persisted…

And every year I’d hear that horrible little phrase…

“The test came back normal.”

And that’s when they’d look at me with that skeptical look…

Like I was just a drug addict trying to get pain meds from them.

Then with enough complaining…

They’d try sending me off to a therapist or psychoanalyst thinking it was all in my head.

I just felt like SCREAMING…

But All Of That Changed After
The Night My Family Turned On Me…

Now, I hated the holidays.

Because every year, all of my siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and their kids would get together.

On that day, my pain was at a 9 out of 10.

I was sitting in the corner, when my mother decided I was the one who had to get the turkey out of the oven.

I told her I was in pain, it’s the winter months…

But she said, “you just have to keep moving and it’ll go away”.

Well, I wasn’t going to argue with her for the millionth time…

And, just as I bent over…

My back gave out….

And the bird and pounds of stuffing went all over the kitchen…

And I slammed to the floor in agony.

There, I Laid On The Ground, Writhing In Pain
As My Husband Called 911
And as everyone rushed in to see what the noise was…

That’s when I saw their true colors…

“Oooo no! Thanksgiving is ruined.”

“It’s ok I’ll run and get a cooked turkey at the market…”

“Well don’t just lay on the floor there Julie, HELP ME PICK THIS UP!”


At that moment I was bursting with tears…

In a state of shock…

As oil from the bottom of the pan was burning my skin…

And THAT’S when my so-called “loving” mother started yelling at my husband…

“It’s All Your Fault!”

Those words were almost worse than the pain…

As the whole time in the ambulance, and in the E.R. it’s all I could think about.

And When Finally I Got Home From The Emergency Room, I Cried My Eyes Out In Pain All Night
While Gripping A Bottle Of Oxycontin…

I sat there until about 3am praying for the pain to go away…

Cursing why this was my life.

And it took every last bit of strength to stop me from taking my husband’s Glock 19 handgun out of his side table.

Putting the cold barrel against my head…

And end it forever.

Thank GOD, I Didn’t Pull the Trigger…

That morning I woke up with the worst headache of my life.

And when I remembered what I was about to do, I nearly passed out…

Now, I’ve had depression my entire life because of this pain…

But I never knew it’d come to this.

At that moment I knew I had to find a solution…

And I couldn’t let this pain be the end of me.

I thought, “Just because traditional methods haven’t worked…

Doesn’t mean there isn’t an answer somewhere out there.”

So, I got up and pushed past the pain that morning…

Logged online to research every inch of the internet…

But… Like Divine Intervention…
Or Fate…
I Found The Man Who Would Help
End My Joint Pain Forever
I felt in my heart like maybe there’s a chance someone out there I knew may have the answer.

So, I hopped on Facebook and made a post asking for help from anyone who would listen…

And just like that…

An old friend from high school contacted me and told me about a man named Dr. TK Huynh.

Years ago he helped my friend get out of some horrible back pain from a car accident…

And little did I know, but this moment would change everything!

You see, it turned out that…

Dr. Tk Is One Of The Top Pharmacists And Pain Experts In The World.
His company has been featured everywhere:

From TV shows like The Doctors, to Atlanta Live…

To major News and National Networks like NBC, the Hallmark channel, to the Associated Press, Arizona Midday…

And so much more…




These days he runs his own holistic private practice…

And he’s already helped out 57,343 with his pain-relief breakthrough!

But before all of this…

Dr. TK earned his Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) from the #1 Pharmacy University7 in the world…

And he earned a prestigious fellowship in Functional Regenerative Medicine from the American Academy of Anti-Aging.

This put him among the top pharmacists in the world.

Which is why at one point…

Dr. TK was even the director of over 47 pharmacies [from a major company you definitely know the name of].

He even had hundreds of pharmacists working under him.

But before Dr. TK went any higher up in the food chain…

He discovered that — all those dirty rumours and secrets you hear about Big Pharma — they’re 100% true.

And after seeing, first hand, how they lobby corrupt doctors, push deadly addictive pain medication and silence important breakthrough research about natural cures…

All at the cost of good people like you…

Dr. Tk told Big Pharma he wasn’t going to take it anymore

Dr. Tk Left Behind The Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Big Pharma Was Trying To Pay Him To Stay Silent.
But it didn’t matter to him…

Because his only goal in life, was to help others with natural cures…

Like the way holistic medical practices helped him save his wife from ending up paralized from the neck down a wheelchair.

After hearing all of this…

I immediately picked up the phone to call Dr. TK…

As I begged his secretaries to let me through…

And as I was being let through…

My heart was racing.

“Hello, this is Dr. TK, how can I help you?”

Before I knew it I blurted out:

“Dr. TK please tell me your secret for getting out of joint pain.”

And there was a pause…

My heart sank…

I thought he hung up.

But then he got super excited and told me to come to his office…

Once there he sat me down and explained how his journey started when he uncovered some SHOCKING research….

A Famous Nobel Prize Winning Scientist Discovered This “Hellish Pain Enzyme”
And It’s At The Root Of Every Form Of Joint Pain.

Dr. TK began to explain:

You see this picture here…

Those enzymes at the bottom of the picture are cytokines…

And they were first discovered by the Nobel Prize winning scientist Taksu Honjo.

From what scientists from prestigious institutes like Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine8, Stanford University9 and Oxford University……10


Is that when these enzymes get stuck in your joint…

You get unrelenting joint pain…

And the more that get stuck in your joint…

The more damage they cause…

The more likely you are to become unable to move your joint without pain…

This also means, your doctor is going to push higher doses of addictive, liver killing pain medication on you…

And the more likely surgeons will tell you your only option is to spend THOUSANDS of dollars so they can tear apart your joints….

And sign you up for months or even YEARS of expensive, time consuming Physical Therapy sessions.

But the worst part is…

They are never getting to the root cause…

Which means they can’t even guarantee you’ll get out of pain with their treatments!

Now let me tell you what is actually happening…

You see…

Your Pain All Starts In The
Delicate Space Inside Of Your Joint…

Notice this thin area in between those bones…

This represents your joint and all of it’s protective tissues.

Now normally this area is clean and open.

And this healthy space gives your bones the room to move freely.

And as your joints move freely…

The blood flow stays constant…

This ensures that healing nutrients come in.

But When Cytokines,
Those Little “Hellish Pain Enzymes”…
Get Stuck In Your Joint…
You End Up With Swollen, Achy & Painful Joints
You see…

Cytokines create inflammation…

And as a by product…

That small and delicate joint space swells up.

And once the joint space tightens…

Your bones rub together when you move….

And this is causing your joint pain.


That’s just the beginning…

This Creates A Snowball Effect…

As More Cytokines Begin To Pile Into Your Joint…

The Closer You Are To Suffering Day And Night…
Unable to Move Without Suffering.
Think about it…

As more and more inflammation piles on…

And less healthy healing blood flow makes its way in…

Your joint space keeps getting tighter…

And your bones grind more and more.

And the damage this causes…

Creates more inflammation…

Inviting more of this “Hellish Pain Enzyme” into your joint.

All the while you pain intensifies

To the point where you can’t move without being consumed by pain

This is why year after year your joints just keep feeling worse and worse…

It’s all because those cytokines are suck in your joints, and it never never gets the time to rest or heal.

But it doesn’t end there.

Because even when you do rest…

As scientists Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine11 also found that…

At This Stage, Cytokines Begin Directly Attacking Your Nerves And Cause Intense Pain Flare Ups.
In other words…

Even though you may not even be moving.

When too many cytokines are stuck in your joint…

They start attacking your nerves.

And you will start getting flair ups…

It can be pain that just comes on suddenly like a spike through your bones…

Or a dull pain you may feel gnawing at you all day and night.

This is why it feels impossible for you to live your life…

Why it feels impossible for you to sleep…

Why it feels impossible to focus when you’re out with your family or at work…

Why it feels impossible for you to exercise and shed any extra pounds…

Why it feels impossible to enjoy your hobbies like fishing, baking or golf…

And why feels impossible to get down on the floor to play with kids and grandkids.

I’m sorry…

Deeply sorry…

I’ve gone through pain like this with my wife…

And you’re not alone…

This is a HUGE problem in the world…

In fact, 23% of all adults12 experience unrelenting joint pain that never seems to heal!

It’s a truly silent plague.

Which is why I’ve put all of my focus into this one problem for the last 5 years…

And From My Studies I Believe These Cytokines Are Attacking Your Joints And Causing Pain For These 2 Reasons…
The older you are, the more cytokines floating through your veins…
It’s well known that, as you get older, the protective layers in your joints become more susceptible to damage and “wear and tear”.

This is the most common reason why you have more joint pain as you get older.

But there’s a second problem…

Harsh Chemicals In Our Environment Cause Daily, Cause Systemic Inflammation
Yes, chemicals promote cytokines to attack the weakest part of your body…

In your case it’s your joints.

And these chemicals are completely unavoidable…

They are in our food, air and water supply.

As rheumatoidarthritis.net13 states:

“There are so many chemicals…

Many that are in products we use every single day, that produce an inflammatory response within our bodies.

These are the chemicals that contribute to inflammation with joint pain.”

And it’s not just any chemical like those found in plastic or cleaning products.

Look at what CNN14 caught a U.S. Senator saying…

“Of the 84,000 chemicals on the U.S. market today…

Many of which are in objects that people come into contact with every day…

Only about 1 percent of them have been studied for safety”.

That’s only 840 chemicals out of 84,000…

Chemicals you, your kids & your grandkids…

Are all being exposed to on a DAILY basis!

And these dangerous chemicals don’t just cause inflammation in joint pain…

As John Hopkins Health15 has found…

“…Systemic inflammation can contribute to the development of [many kinds of] diseases”.

Some eminently deadly…

While others which you’ve been experiencing…

Slowly cut your life in half…

Such as Difficulty Sleeping… Weight gain… Fatigue…Accelerated Aging…And More.

After Dr. TK Said Told Me This…
I Was Left Completely Speechless
There I was just sitting….

Hardly able to catch my breath…

All of these years…

This is why nothing I did worked.

Nothing focused on the root cause of my joint pain.

But this could change everything.

So I asked what my options are…

And that’s when Dr. TK let out a huge sigh…

Dr. TK said, “Big pharma Has Already Started Bringing A Huge Amount of Money Into This”…

They know that millions are suffering daily…

And that means there’s a huge profit to anyone who can figure this out.

As of right now..,

Even the most important medical research institution in the world….

The National Institute of Health…

They are funding a private task force…

With a committee composed of the world’s top researchers…

And a nearly unlimited budget…

All conducting the world’s largest study of cytokines ever!

But the dark side to this is…

Not only could it take 5-10 years to get results…

The solution they’ll come up with will probably be MORE PILLS!

And That’s When Dr Tk. Said,
“I’m Not Willing To Wait 10 Years
Just To Give My Clients More Potentially
Addictive Medication!
That’s Why I Left Big Pharma!”
Which is why in the last 5 years…

Dr. TK has been on a journey to searching for the best natural pain and inflammation remedies…

One that could stop the barrage of cytokines that are destroying your joint.

A fix that could be safe, natural and affordable.

And eventually…

And he uncovered a strange group of organic, natural plants…

All described in ancient medical textbooks…

Plants that have recently been rediscovered by researchers from around the world!

And peer reviewed studies show that they directly stop pain and cytokine activity.

And using them…

Patients were able to get back to the pain-free life they deserve.

And long term results can help ensure the rest of your joints are safe…

All while helping defend against sleepless nights, weight issues and fatigue caused by inflammation…

And this can give you a massive boost in energy so you can spend countless hours doing what you love most…

And get back to exercises and get the best shape of your life!

And so so much more.

When Dr. Tk told me all of this for the first time, my eyes started welling up…

This meant no more spending thousands on P.T.
No more shoving pills down my throat just so I could get out of bed…
And no more doctors pressuring me into getting surgery…
Just moments after explaining this…

Dr. TK said there was something he wanted to show me…

He pulled out a small bottle from the top drawer.

He explained that inside the bottle was the capsule form of the plants he’d been telling me about…

One that could help slow down the painful Cytokine activity that is most likely the root cause of my joint pain.

And it doesn’t matter how old you are…
What your genetic background is…
And it doesn’t matter how much you weigh…
He said…

“With My Own Eyes I’ve Seen These Plants Help Thousands Of People Relieve Their Pain”
He said: “You simply take 2 capsules twice a day to ward off that nasty, pain enzyme. And soon enough you should feel your joint pain practically disappear!”

Then Dr. TK handed me a bottle so I could try it out for myself…

I was so desperate to get rid of my pain…

And I’d tried everything.

But now finally it felt like I had the real key to getting rid of my pain once and for all…

But, I couldn’t be sure yet.

So the second I got into my car I opened the bottle and swallowed the two small capsules…

And I Didn’t Realize How Quickly It Would Start Working!

I thought it’d be weeks before I’d feel the effects.

But that night I got the best sleep of my life.

I woke up so refreshed and energized.

It felt like I was running on rocket fuel.

And when I looked in the mirror…

I could really see the difference.

My posture wasn’t slumped over, but I was standing up straighter than ever.

No longer did I have that gaunt look, with deep dark bags under my eyes.

Instead I had soft eyes that looked energetic and alive.

And it felt as if my brain fog practically vanished!

I finally looked and felt like a real human!

My heart felt like it was about to POP, I was so excited.

But that was just the start…

On the 2nd day, I wasn’t getting as many sharp pains throughout the day.

And for the first time in years, my joints loosened up…

I could actually stretch my hands and shoulders…

I could rotate my neck further than ever…

But it didn’t stop there…

Because on the 5th day, my hand wasn’t cracking or grinding as much…

And my back felt more flexible than usual…

For the first time in years I sat comfortably at the family dinner table…

And I didn’t feel rushed to jump out of my seat before the pain set it…

All night we sat around laughing our hearts out together.

How I missed this so so much.

And then, on about the 2nd week, IT happened…

I’ll Never Forget This For The Rest Of My Life.
It Was My First Pain-Free Day In 44 Years!
It was as if my pain took a coffee break…

My arm no longer felt like a cement mixer…

Instead I was able to rotate and glide through my full range of motion.

And I was finally able to stretch my back without it feeling like I was about to snap like a twig…

And my knees felt fine walking up and down the stairs…

Like I they wouldn’t just freeze up, and I’d fall over and crack my head open.

I was even able to do a couple of knee-ups…

I finally felt safe enough to take a walk around the block by myself without the chance of locking up, falling down and breaking my hip…

And though I didn’t want to push it…

All of this made me feel like I could finally start to slowly build my strength back up and lose weight with gentle exercises.

And Best Of All, That Day I Did Activities
I Was Deathly Afraid Of.

All day, I spent time with my grandkids!

We hung out on the floor and played board games, watched movies and ate popcorn…

At one point my youngest brought me to tears when she said…

“Gram-Gram… I really REALLY missed you.”

And I confidently told him, “Gram-Gram is feeling better now. So we get to spend as much time as we want together.”


And there’s one more thing….

Later that night…

I cuddled, and spent some “alone time” with my husband’s arms…

And without a single painful flare up.

We spent hours just laughing with each other.

Reminiscing on all of the good times.

We finally felt like we had the lives we always deserved!

We made plans to travel to Europe….

To take that romantic water taxi ride through the canals of Venice…

To go hopping through the islands of Greece.

And climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

All dreams we’ve had before we were even married…

But were never able to go on because of the pain.

This was my second chance!

And my story isn’t unique either…

Because Men & Women All Over The World Are Seeing These Same Incredible Benefits!

When you switch off the out of control activity of those “Hellish Pain Enzymes”…

Your body can finally start healing…

And your nerves will finally be silent.

And best of all it can work for basically anyone.

It’s Backed By The Highest Quality Scientific Evidence.

For instance, the first Pain Relief Ingredient is Boswellia…

Even before modern science this wonder herb is unbelievable…

Yet it’s been used in African cultures for CENTURIES to help treat issues associated with inflammation and pain.

We now know it’s miraculous pain relieving qualities are thanks it’s primary active anti-inflammatory ingredients — boswellic acid.

In fact, Dr. Josh Axe16, one of the top experts of inflammation in the world, said that…

“[It’s] so powerful that today it’s considered comparable to NSAID pain relievers”.

And he’s not kidding!

Look at this astounding research from the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine17…

Researchers found that Boswellia inhibits “leukotriene” which causes cytokine activity!

Meaning, Boswellia can help stop inflammation dead in its tracks…

But not only that…

Boswellia actually helps shrink inflamed muscle tissue…

If you didn’t know inflamed muscle tissue is the #1 cause of joint pain and discomfort.

This is why the clinical studies18 from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences found that Boswellia is effective in relieving joint pain!

And I could go on for hours…

And I don’t bore you with too much science…

But I’ll show you one last study from the Journal Phytomedicine19…

Researchers this time took patients with joint pain in their knees (the biggest joint in the body) and had them use boswellia…

And immediately they noticed it significantly decreased swelling in their joints…

But, biggest of all… 100% of patients reported a significant decrease in pain!


Just think, if something this great came along…

An inexpensive way to eliminate joint pain…

One that wasn’t highly addictive…

And one that wouldn’t put millions in caskets every year…

No one would want to buy opiates anymore…

So what do you think would happen to Big Pharma’s multi-BILLION dollar opiate industry?

Those pigs bank accounts would probably shrivel up.

These herbs are a HUGE threat to their industry.

I Mean Look… People Who Benefit From These Herbs All RAVE About How Effective They Are…
For instance 3 weeks starting using these medicinal plants…

My mother came over to see my Grandkids…

And as you know, she really truly hurt my feelings…

And basically put me in the hospital…

But when I saw her come in the door…


My mother looked like a Ghost.

She came hobbling in with a walker, practically whaling in pain and doped up on medication her doctor prescribed.

Apparently, right after Thanksgiving, her knee which had previously been acting up…

Went from a 3/10…

To a 10/10 with pain.

And none of the doctors could figure out why.

And she began experiencing joint pain, all day and night swelling, bone on bone grinding and inflammation…

She told me,

“Julie, I’m sorry about what I’ve said to you all of these years. I know now what you must have been feeling.”

“Doctors can’t do anything for me except drug me up, and it feels so awful.”

“I want to throw-up every day. And I can hardly even watch T.V. without feeling nauseous.”


“I even have to beg the ladies from the
club house to come and help me.”

“I’m just so miserable…”

“But you! Julie You seem totally different!?”

I told her the story about Dr. TK and these miraculous plants…

And how I hardly had pain any more…

And I gave her one of my extra bottles…

And told her to call me back in a week and tell me if she’s feeling better.

And later that week, wouldn’t you know it, but I got the call.

My mother emphatically shouted,

“Julie I’ve Never Felt Better!”

“And All Of The Ladies At The ClubHouse Want To Get A Bottle!”

But that’s when I realized there was a HUGE PROBLEM.
Though Dr. TK Had Been All Over The Media For His Discoveries…
No One Could Get This Formula Without Going To His Office In California.
Millions of people were missing out on his incredible pain relief secret!

But I knew how effective it was— I got out of 44 years of pain in just a few weeks.

I felt it was my duty to get this formula into as many peoples hands’ as possible!

So I texted him the message you see here…

And told him my idea of getting his secrets online….

So millions around the world could get out of pain.

He messaged me immediately and was thrilled at the idea.

Later that day when we got on the phone…

He sounded like he’d been given the biggest award of his life…


He told me he’d never thought he’d be able to offer his formula outside of his clinic. But he wanted to!

Which is why, now you have the opportunity to get your very own bottle at the lowest prices possible…

So, if you’ll let me, I’d like to tell you all about it:

For The First Time Ever…
We’re Introducing MindBody Matrix: The MindBody Capsule To The Entire World!

Let me tell you, directly from my heart, if you want to get out of pain effortlessly…

Without more addictive pain pills…
Without surgery…
Without special and expensive tools…
MindBody Matrix is your solution.

It’s the only natural product in the world specifically designed to take control of the root cause of joint pain & inflammation – the “Hellish Pain Enzyme” – Cytokines.

And after 5 years of researching the latest peer reviewed science…

He’d first test formulas on himself…

Then having his closest friends….
Then his own Family…
And medical colleagues…
They all try his formula!

And with the feedback he’d get…

Dr. TK would go back to the draw board to perfect it…

Now, with the verifiable proof in Dr. TK’s hands.

He was finally able to hand pick 6 BONUS nutrients that work alongside and EVEN BOOST the effects of Boswellia…

Today you’ll find them ALL in his MindBody Matrix dietary supplement.

And look — I know you want to get this in your hands on this advanced supplement soon as possible…

But I’m so excited I just have to tell you how great these ingredients are right now.

Curcuma Longa
The first incredible bonus nutrient is one of my favorites
This ancient root has been used for thousands of years by Eastern and traditional Chinese medicine.

But only in the last 25 years has science begun to acknowledge its medicinal properties.

For starters Curcuma Longa has an active and highly popular natural pain-relief ingredient called curcumin20…

It’s so strong that when researchers from The University of Texas21 put it up to the test against the active ingredients in aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and resveratrol…

It performed just as well – without the pills liver killing side effects.

But that’s not all …

Journal Of Medicinal Food published a meta-data study — meaning the highest quality overview of the best medical studies to date…

And this showed that curcuma longa helps relieve joint pain.22

However, even with all of these benefits…

It turns out, by itself, this plant is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream.

Thankfully Dr. TK discovered research that shows when you add piperine23 with turmeric, it enhances absorption by 2,000%.24

Which is what brings us to our next ingredient…

Second Bonus Pain Relief Ingredient
As mentioned in the last section…

Piperine is a necessary ingredient which boosts the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving power of curcuma longa by 2000% in the human body.

In a clinical randomized controlled trial from the Journal of Clinical Nutrition.25

Over 100 people with serious blood sugar or metabolic issues were given a combination of curcumin and piperine…

And 100% of patients measured lower markers of inflammation!

And another test…

This time published in the Journal of Drug Research26 from Stuttgart, Germany…

Researchers took 40 people with joint pain and again gave them a combination Curcuim and Piperine…

And it significantly reduced levels of CYTOKINES in all patients!

And Dr. Tk Included Four More Nutrients To Give You A Pain Relief “Boost”…
Each handpicked to give you the most effective — and fastest — results possible.

Inside our MindBody Matrix, you’ll also find…

Holy Basil
Because it’s PACKED with several potent anti-inflammatory and anti-pain compounds known as Eugenol, Ursolic and Rosmarinic acid.27

The Journal of Phytomedicine28 found that Holy Basil is as good as ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin…But, with none of the dangerous pharmaceutical side effects!

Lemon Balm
A study published in the Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition29 found that lemon balm improved insomnia in 85% of participants.

Which is highly important, as quality sleep helps reduce inflammation and increase the body’s internal healing mechanisms.

“Reduces Pain Activity of Nerves”
Found to reduce the activity of nerve30 cells which will naturally reduce pain, as well as depression, stress and anxiety. In other words, the more GABA equals less pain.

“Delivers a Relaxation Boost”
Studies31 have found L-theanine is very effective in promoting relaxation without drowsiness. And as Hospitals at Stanford32 have found stress makes joint pain worse. Meaning less stress causes your muscles to relax, which decreases pain.

And while his formula is composed of nutrients and plants…

Safe and natural herbs you could grow in your backyard or in a pot in your house…

Dr. TK told me there’s one catch:

To enjoy the pain relief benefits…

It wasn’t enough just to chop the plant up and make a tea out of it, or put it in a smoothie…

These plants must be processed in a special way, using the latest in BioEnergetic technology.

This technology was originally discovered by NASA during a test on the international space station…

A technology which has had profound medical implications, particularly for those with joint pain.

And since then…

It’s been studied by prestigious schools around the world like Boston University Of Medicine33, Oxford Medical School34, and Harvard Medical School.35

“And From what I’ve seen”, Dr. TK said, “Using this technology is the best way to enhance the healing and synergistic properties of these herbs. And it is my #1 secret for helping my patients.”

The MindBody Matrix Dietary Supplement Is Made Using An Extremely Complex Process…

It’s produced in an FDA-approved facility which follows all GMP health and safety standards.

It contains premium, high-quality ingredients, sourced from all around the world.

And it’s made using a unique process that goes above and beyond most manufacturers.

This process is crucial to create the #1 pain relief support on the market.

It’s 100% Vegan, GMO free, gluten free…

And was never tested on animals!

But as anyone can imagine, creating an advanced dietary supplement is very expensive and time-consuming.

Which Means That “Out Of Stocks” Are Always A Risk…
And because of this…

We can only produce a limited number of bottles at any time.

Plus, on top of that…

Because MindBody Matrix provides so many wonderful health benefits…

Not only does it treat pain…

But it also boosts energy levels…

Helps with sleep…

Provides a calming and relaxing effect…

And so much more!

And As A Result, Our Customers End Up Ordering Several Containers At A Time…
Which puts a huge strain on our production capacity…

Making it very difficult to keep up with demand.

And while I’m delighted that so many people have turned to us…

And that they’re sharing it with their family and friends…

It means that “out of stocks” are a very real risk.

With that being said…

We don’t want anyone to suffer with pain for a second longer than they have to…

Which is why, in the next few moments…

I’m Going To Show How You Can Get Your Very Own Supply Of Our MindBody Matrix Supplement Today

But before I do that, let me answer the second question:

How often should you this MindBody Matrix supplement for the best results?

The answer is simple:

Once in the morning…

And once before bed…

Just get a glass of water or your favorite tea…

And drink down the easy to swallow capsule.

And the herbs will do everything else.

And Here’s Why It’s Important To Use This For At Least 30 Days…

Within minutes the capsules allow the ingredients to naturally permeate into your bloodstream…

Causing a relaxing effect.

While tapering down the activity of cytokines, the “hellish pain enzyme”, to a safe and natural level.

Then it will begin to support your body’s natural healing process.

And you’ll get results you could see and feel from Day 1.

But like anything good in life…

The More You Use It, The Better It Works!

Which is why it’s best to look at our MindBody Matrix supplement as a “daily defense”…

Something that can be part of a normal, every-day routine…

Much in the same way people take multivitamins or probiotics.

It’s for that reason that Dr. TK personally recommended that his clients get at least three bottles of MindBody Matrix today…

And six bottles for the best possible chance of getting all the benefits..

Because remember, our MindBody Matrix supplement is only available right here, on this page, while supplies last.

And given its popularity…

And the fact that we’re already struggling to keep up with the demand…

I can’t guarantee that it will always be available.

But here’s the good news:

Our 30-Day Supply Normally Retails For $97 Per Bottle…
On This Page Only, You Can Get A Major Savings Off The Retail Price!
Because you’re not going to pay $97 for a container of today.

You won’t pay $87 or even $77!

Instead, you can get started with a 60 day supply for $54.95 per container…

That’s less than the equivalent of $2 a day!

And it’s a whopping 44% off the retail price!

But that’s not all.

I know you may want to keep taking our MindBody Matrix supplement for years to come…

And given the fact that there are limited supplies available…

I can understand why you’d want to stock up on 6 containers today.

So to help you out, I’ve created a special discount for new customers…

Where you can stock up and save on 6 containers…

For just $34.95 per container…

That’s the equivalent of $1.16 a day

So Go Ahead And Get Started Now By Choosing The 6 container Package, Or Whichever Package Is Best For You…
And Secure Your Order Today While Stock Is Available.

$54.95 /each
You Save $42.05
Total $54.95
Add to Cart

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee



You Save $372.3
Total $209.7

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6 month money back guarantee



$44.95 /each
You Save $156.15
Total $134.85

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee


But remember…

This special discount package is only available to new customers and for the next 24 hours, or while supplies last.

Plus, you’ll also receive FREE shipping to anywhere in the United States or Canada today (which is a $14.95 value).

But both the multi-pack pricing and free shipping are available for a short time only.

When we run out of containers…

It could take up to 12 weeks before more supplies are available.

So click the 6 container option below, or whatever option is right for you, to secure your order, while supplies last.

This is one of the smallest, yet most important investments you will ever make into your health.

A single bottle will go to work on the body right away…

By reducing pain and lowering inflammation…

While continuing to use our MindBody Matrix supplement for a full three months…

Provides ongoing protection and healing…

And committing to using our MindBody Matrix supplement for a full six months and longer is when the greatest magic happens…

Because that’s when the body truly get’s the “reset” it deserves…

Which is exactly what it takes to treat pain once and for all.

So right now…

Select Your Discount Below And Stock Up On This With Our Special Offer For New Customers Only!

$54.95 /each
You Save $42.05
Total $54.95
Add to Cart

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee



You Save $372.3
Total $209.7

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee



$44.95 /each
You Save $156.15
Total $134.85

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee


Again, getting started couldn’t be any easier….

All you need to do is select the six bottle option below, or any other option that’s right for you…

Fill out our secure order form…

And then our distribution team will get your bottles of MindBody Matrix dietary capsules into the mail just a few moments from now.

That means you could get started with it in just a few days!

Be sure to place your order right now before we run out of stock.

And before you leave this page and this offer expires forever.

You Should Also Know That Your Order Is Completely Protected By Our Iron-clad, Unconditional, 6-Months Money-Back Guarantee!

Here’s how it works:

Invest in our MindBody Matrix supplement today at our deeply discounted new-customer only rates.

Take a full 6-months to see how it elevates every area of your health…

From your pain, to energy levels, to mental clarity and more.

And if it doesn’t provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains in your muscles and joints…

If it doesn’t help you to fall asleep at night, pain-free.

And if it doesn’t give you a sense of calm, peace and relaxation every time you use it.…

And in the unlikely event that you aren’t 100% thrilled with the results…

Contact our US-based customer support team…

Just let us know. We’ll give you a refund with no questions asked – as long as you simply send back the rest of the unused bottles; again no-questions-asked!

It couldn’t be any easier.I want to take 100% of the risk-off of your shoulders and only my own.

In a way, you’re not even buying MindBody Matrix today.

You’re just taking it for a test-drive as if you’re unhappy for any reason, or you feel like the cream hasn’t helped you to reduce your pain, just let me know and you’ll get a full and prompt refund, no questions asked.

I know that some people could try and rip me off with this…

But if it means you’ll give it a shot to help you get out of pain…

Then I’m willing to take the risk for you.

So, in a way, you’re not even buying our MindBody Matrix supplement today.

You’re just taking it for a test-drive…

Because if you’re unhappy for any reason, you can get a full and prompt refund, no questions asked.

Go Ahead And Get Started Now By Choosing The 6 Bottle Package, Or Whichever Package Is Best For You…

$54.95 /each
You Save $42.05
Total $54.95
Add to Cart

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6 month money back guarantee



You Save $372.3
Total $209.7

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6 month money back guarantee



$44.95 /each
You Save $156.15
Total $134.85

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee


But if you’re ready to say “yes” to this life-changing offer…

Then I need to warn you: you must act fast.

Because in addition to having limited supplies available…

You’re standing at a crossroads, with your life on the line.

Unless you’re one of the rare people in our society who’s body is”

Free of inflammatory chemicals…
Free of stress…
Sleeps perfectly every night…
And who’s pain levels have only been out of balance for less than a year…
Then, unfortunately, things may only get worse, unless you make some changes, starting today.

You should give your body the raw ingredients it needs to heal…

Which is exactly what our MindBody Matrix supplement can help with.

Don’t make the mistake of doing nothing, because in my experience…

Things can take a turn for the worse quickly and I don’t want that to happen to you.

This is why I urge you to take action today and make the best investment you can ever make: in your health.

Plus, I simply can’t guarantee that when you return to this page in the future, that we’ll still have supplies in stock…

So go ahead and place your order right now…

By selecting the option below that is best for you right now.

Go Ahead And Get Started Now By Choosing The 6 Bottle Package, Or Whichever Package Is Best For You…

$54.95 /each
You Save $42.05
Total $54.95
Add to Cart

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee



You Save $372.3
Total $209.7

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee



$44.95 /each
You Save $156.15
Total $134.85

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee


Invest in your very own supply of our MindBody Matrix supplement today by clicking on the button you see here.

Do what thousands of others have done and let the nutrients do all the work for you.

Simply take our MindBody Matrix supplement each day, and watch as your body and health transform before your very own eyes.

Remember, you get a 54% discount when you take the 3-bottle option…

And you can lock in massive savings of up to 64% when you take the 6-bottle package.

That’s the equivalent of $1.16 a day

But, don’t forget…

This special new-customer-offer is only while you are on this page.

Once you click away, our guys in the warehouse will pack up your order and you won’t see this offer again, at any price.

Available for the next 24 hours or until supplies run out.

Remember, you can try this for a full 6-Months, risk-free…

And if you aren’t thrilled with the results, let our customer support team know for a full, no-questions-asked refund.

So break free of your frustration…

And choose your package right now…

And start living the life of your dreams.

Yes! I Want To Transform My Body On The Inside And Out By Securing My Very Own Supply!

$54.95 /each
You Save $42.05
Total $54.95
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You Save $372.3
Total $209.7

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee



$44.95 /each
You Save $156.15
Total $134.85

Free US shipping*

6 month money back guarantee


Hey, are you still reading?
No worries, we just went over a LOT of stuff…

Right now, I’ll go over the most frequently asked questions that Dr. TK, the team and I get about our MindBody Matrix supplement…

That way you can make your investment with total confidence…

Who is the MindBody Matrix supplement for?
What It’s Used For?
What’s the full list of ingredients inside these MindBody Matrix Capsules?
How long will it take before I begin to feel the benefits?
What if it doesn’t work for me?
Is this a monthly charge?
How do I get started?

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*Free shipping promo only valid for customers inside the continental US. All foreign orders subject to additional shipping fees.

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This product is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with The Lost Book Of Remedies, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund you the entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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