
Feel Good Knees For Fast Pain Relief

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $15.00.


Doctors Shocked: Knees Can Heal Themselves?

Top Stanford Orthopedic Doctor Uncovers
A NEW “Knee Self Restoration Ritual”
That Activates Your Knees’ NATURAL Ability
To Heal Themselves

…In Less Than 5 Minutes A Day!

Now You Can Get Back Your Pain-Free Life And Restore Your Mobility
Right From Your Favorite Comfy Recliner…

Without Pills or Surgery…

Keep reading to discover how a NEW groundbreaking study published in the prestigious Journal of American Medical Association shocked doctors by unveiling a stunning
37% knee cartilage self-repair in over 325 patients who were suffering from cartilage deterioration (A condition deemed incurable by doctors for decades)

Dear Friend,

Think about this for a second…

When you get a small paper cut like THIS one on your finger…

Do you RUSH to the doctor for stitches?

Or when you get a bruise on your arm…

Or a scrape on your wrist…

Do you resort to surgery, painful injections, or pills?

Of course NOT!

Instead, you just clean up the wound, apply some cream, maybe a bandage, and let nature do its magic… right?

And within a few days…

Your body NATURALLY heals all by itself.

Without ANY intervention.

Yet, when it comes to your knees…

…Your faithful lifelong supportive companions…

Once they start to throb and deteriorate…

Suddenly, each step feels like an endless whirl of discomfort…

As if you’re walking on nails!

Your doctor convinces you that knee pain is simply an inevitable part of aging…

And there’s NOTHING you can do to stop it…

The next thing you know…

Doctors tell you that an invasive, knee-replacement surgery is your only option…

…Which not only DRAINS your savings…

But also leaves you in a constant state of searing pain…

All while showing ugly SCARS on your knees – for the rest of your life.

Or they recommend physical therapies…

Painful injections…

Or even worse, a lifelong commitment to popping horse-sized painkillers…

…Which not only offer temporary relief…

But also silently damage your liver and impacts your overall health (more about this in just a moment)…

Eventually, you’re now “the one with the bad knees”…

Feeling like a PRISONER in your own body…

And watching your life from the sidelines.

You’re itching to jump, dance, run, play with your grandkids – but your body just won’t cooperate.

The sympathy in people’s eyes often hurts more than the pain itself!

WEIRD, isn’t it?

Given your body’s inherent ability to self-heal…

Ever Had This Baffling Question Pop In Your Head As You Grip Your Aching Knee…

Wincing from that old, sharp twinge of pain?

If our bodies can naturally heal and fix small daily injuries, bruises, and sprains…

In a matter of days…

Without needing doctor’s visits or costly treatments…


…Why do we resort to invasive procedures or pill-popping routines when our knees
start to ache?


…Why can’t your body – with all its sophisticated and miraculous SELF-HEALING mechanisms – do the same thing for your aching knees?


…Why can’t your body naturally relieve you from the relentless gnawing, nagging
pain that plagues your every step?

Well, the SHOCKING Truth is..

Your Knees CAN Also Naturally Heal Themselves…
Just like a skin scrape does. Yes, that’s right!

I know it sounds too good to be true…

However, new research conducted by Dr. Constance Chu, a renowned Stanford
Orthopedic Professor…

…Using thousands of high-level MRI scans – REVEALS the knees have a natural ability
to heal and rejuvenate themselves.

… And this is because unique cells within the knee joints work similarly to the cells in the skin, which help in healing cuts and bruises.

In fact, back in the early 1960s…a 100-year-old Orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Donald J Salls discovered this revolutionary secret…

As a result, he developed a simple “at-home” treatment approach that brought rapid relief to thousands of knee pain sufferers…

His breakthrough method was so effective…

In fact, it made HEADLINES in reputable publications such as The Reader’s Digest…

Was featured in dozens of MAJOR newspapers across the nation…

And was even discussed in several PRIMETIME television programs


Unfortunately, his success was ALL short-lived (I’ll tell you why in a minute).

But here’s the bad news…
Despite the immense potential this secret holds for you, there’s a high chance…

Your Doctor Will NEVER Tell You About This Natural Secret…
Because The More Your Knee Throbs…
The More They Line Their Pockets.
A Vicious Cycle… Where Your Relief Doesn’t Even Count!


So, believe it or not, they’d rather keep you CAGED in your pain…

Than give you the keys to self-healing!

Because, let’s be honest, the harsh reality is…

The ‘drug and surgery’ industry is a multi-billion dollar behemoth, where your comfort can often take a backseat to corporate gain.

Therefore, your relief and freedom would cost them MILLIONS of dollars in lost sales and profits.

But the good news is, that’s all about to change now…

Because I’m about to show you a simple yet effective “Knee Self-Restoration” ritual
that can ACTIVATE your knees’ natural ability to heal themselves…

In less than 5 minutes a day…

Right from your lazy boy tonight.

Even better, performing this ritual is as easy as flipping a switch!

No strenuous exercises or complicated routines required.

…This ritual is like a slingshot in the hands of pain sufferers like you…

…Ready to knock down the Goliath of profit-driven pharmaceutical giants.

Sounds great?

Imagine the silence that falls on the room when you walk in, fit and vibrant.

Your peers gazing at you in disbelief…

CURIOUS about the secret behind your strength and flexibility.


You’ll be the star of the party again,
not the one left out…

Picture the buzz you’ll create when you step back into the “game of life”, stealing the show.

Because you won’t be ‘the one with the bad knees’ anymore…

You’ll be ‘the one who beat the odds’.

Envision the look of pure envy on your golf buddies’ faces as you easily hoist your clubs, ready for the game.

You’ll be the talk of your group,
the ‘comeback kid’.

Your neighbors’ jaws will practically hit the floor, shocked as they watch you garden with ease…

You bend…You squat…You lift…

All without a hint of discomfort, or a grimace of pain…

Imagine picking up your grandkids without a second thought, their giggles filling your ears…

As they playfully climb on you, feeling secure in your pain-free strength!



…No more choking down those gigantic, bitter pills that offer temporary relief
with nasty side effects…


…No more dreaded anticipation of a surgeon’s scalpel…


And no more enduring of unsightly SCARS from knee surgery.

Thanks To Your Body’s
NATURAL Self-healing Power.

Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?

Trust me, I’m not playing games here…

In fact, you are about to become a living proof of the human body’s incredible healing power.

You’ll show your buddies that creaky knees aren’t just a part of growing old…

But a hurdle you’ve soared over.

And it all starts with this revolutionary 5-minute “Knee Self-Restoration” ritual.

Get ready to STUN everyone, including yourself, with your new freedom from knee pain.

I mean, think of it like there’s a secret treasure chest deep within you..

Just waiting for the right key to set you free from the tormenting clutches of knee pain.

Now It’s Time To Reclaim Your Active Life And Step
Off The Sidelines.
After all, you’re not here to watch life pass by; you’re
here to live it fully!

No more “managing” your knee pain…

And don’t just take my word for it…

Over 119,187 seniors have regained their mobility after trying this simple 5-minute ritual daily…

From the comfort of their own homes….

Despite years of knee stiffness that they could barely move when they first got up from a chair…


In just days, they’re now back to doing activities they thought they had given up for good…

Tennis. Bicycling. Gardening.

They’re now back in ACTION…

With pain being a distant memory.

Here’s What Some of Them Had To Say…


Rose West
71 years old


“I’ve had bone on bone for years and this routine has helped tremendously and will help me avoid a knee replacement. I have improved my mobility and at 71 years of age I can tell you it worked for me.”


Joe Hendereson
68 years old


“I spent parts of 32 years crawling around on my knees installing flooring. Between my job and the sports that I have played it is fitting to admit that I have over taxed my knee joints to the place where tightness and pain had become a part of my life. I was amazed that I actually felt an improvement after my very first time following your routine. I’m enjoying life again because of it.”


Marilyn Chapple
79 years old


“I was very skeptical. But I had so much knee pain I could hardly walk. I decided to try the routine and had so much relief after just 2-3 days! It’s amazing and the exercises are so simple!”

And today is your TURN!

All you have to do is follow the simple gentle steps I’ll share with you in this short letter and experience the difference for yourself.

Imagine having no more stiff, aching knees holding you back…

Imagine leaping stairs two at a time, filled with youthful energy.

Rising from the couch with a spring in your step…

Your knees, agile and strong like an Olympic gymnast – supporting each step.

Imagine feeling FREE again…

Your body responding as it used to in your 30s…

You’ll get back to cycling with your grandkids, going on adventurous hikes, or even participating in that impromptu dance – just like the good old days.

Can you picture the shock and admiration in their eyes…

And the pure joy of your grandkids as you join them in their playful frolic.

All without any twinge of crippling pain or stiffness?

And look…now that you’re reading this page…

You can stop dreaming of a pain-free lifestyle and start living it!

Even if your doctor, with a disheartening shrug, made you believe that your knee pain is here to stay, with surgery as your only escape route…

Thanks to this clinically proven…

Little-Known… First NO MOVEMENT Based…
5-Minute “Knee Self-Restoration” Ritual That NATURALLY
Erases Nagging Pain By Activating Your Knees’ Inherent
Healing Prowess…

Now, before I go on, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Todd Kuslikis (aka Coach Todd) and for over 15 years of my life I had devoted myself to learning about the human body.

I got my degree in personal training, nutrition, medical manual therapy… received a Masters degree here in Michigan with a focus on health…

And even built one of the most popular exercise sites in the world called (ranked “#1 most popular calisthenics blog online”).

But when I saw my beautiful wife cry out in pain…grabbing her knee in agony…and there was nothing I could do about it.

I felt about 2 inches tall.

My wife and I climbed into bed and were about to have some intimate time together (I can’t believe I’m sharing this with you)… our three beautiful kids already fast asleep… Aretha Franklin’s “Do Right Woman, Do Right Man” melodically filled the bedroom air from our iTunes playlist…

But then in an instant, sharp, searing pain out of nowhere… attacked my wife’s right knee. Tears streaming down her cheeks. A once beautiful face, grimacing in agony.

She tried one position after another.

Fetal position. Prone. Supine. Each position only made it worse. At that moment… I prayed to God her pain would end. But MORE than that…

I worried about the future…

Would I be left as the primary caregiver for our 3 young children?
Would we be forced to give up our dream of traveling across America after we retire?
Would she end up in a wheelchair by the time she turned 60?…
Can you relate?
Do you or someone you love suffer with debilitating knee pain?
If so…

Then you know what it’s like. Maybe it isn’t as bad as my wife’s… Or maybe it’s worse.

I don’t know. But I know you understand. It makes you feel…out of control.

You feel helpless.

And if you’re the one suffering…you may feel cheated of simple pleasures you once took for granted…

The scent of freshly cut grass after proudly mowing the lawn…

Scooping up your 7-month-old grandbaby to nestle her in your arms…

Or just getting through a 10-hour shift at work, without limping to your car like you were crippled…

That night I tried everything to help her…

But nothing I did even touched the pain…

And NOT knowing how to help her…broke my heart into a million pieces.

I felt as if all the years of study and all the hard work I’d put into learning anatomy, exercise science and manual therapy was worthless.

So, I did the only thing I could…I started doing MORE research…

I read medical journals, books, articles, and case studies.

I watched lectures, spoke to doctors, and spent time with physical therapists and personal trainers…

The more I dug into the science, the more SHOCKED I was.

Study, after study, revealed something that went against EVERYTHING I’d ever had been taught…

You see, the truth is…

The knee CAN heal itself…

And I’m here to tell you… you CAN get your life back.

My wife did.

And so have thousands of other knee pain sufferers.

Men and women who were once robbed of the most precious moments life has to offer.

Have found new life….

They discovered the key to unlock the “self-healing powers” hidden inside every knee… and you can do it from your favorite recliner tonight.

Many people that have used it used to be tormented by some of the most common knee conditions… Like osteoarthritis, bone on bone cartilage degeneration or 20-30 year old meniscus tears…

This approach has helped people finally be free from knee pain…without swallowing pain medications that destroy your bodies’ natural immune system … or surrendering to a $50,000 life-altering knee replacement surgery.

Did you know the implants must be replaced? Yep. And the metal alloy can corrode… plastic too.

But the WORST part? Sometimes the metal particles shed and can destroy healthy tissue or in some extreme cases, even cause poisoning.

Now, you might be thinking, “Knee-healing from my recliner?
Sounds too good to be true…”

Well, as I’ll explain to you in just a bit, your body WANTS to heal itself, yes even your knees.

In fact, did you know your knee is the largest joint in your body?

So, why wouldn’t it be designed with self healing mechanisms just like your skin, muscles and even other joints?

The knee CAN heal itself, naturally… you just need to know HOW to support its self-healing abilities so it can get to work right away (and that’s what you’ll learn today)….

Then you can finally get back to planting those rhododendrons in your backyard garden or enjoy the sunshine on a beautiful walk after a long winter in-doors.

Today is the day you learn how to turn your stiff and achy knees… into flexible, strong, and stable knees.

Knees that don’t ache, don’t “catch” and don’t limit you in any way.

Today is the day you extinguish the fear of missing out on all life has to offer and protect your future health.

But before we go any further. Another warning…

If you are someone who would rather swallow down some Ibuprofen and ignore your pain… Or moan to your spouse about your knee… but not willing to learn a few easy, but life-changing “healing techniques”…

Or you’d rather believe the lies from corporate bureaucrats… yeah, they claim the solution is found in injections filled with man-made fluid… or an “artificial knee” which costs more than a 2019 luxury CTS Cadillac…

Then please stop reading now. What I have to share
today is NOT for you.
If on the other hand, you DO believe something different…

Maybe you believe your God-given body DOES have the ability to self-heal & self-protect.

And you are ready to learn a simple method for healing your knee…that’s been proven to work on thousands of knee pain sufferers and proven by modern science…

If so…

Then I’m excited to share what I discovered with you… it has changed the lives of so many, and it can change your life too.

The bizarre, yet very effective technique I am about to share with you… can soothe away knee pain faster than you ever thought possible.

And it’s as easy as using a gentle technique done from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Just take a look at this 2017 study where researchers took 250 people with a confirmed diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis and placed them into two groups.

128 patients performed the “at home” technique I’ll be sharing with you in just a moment for one month.

And 122 patients received oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (commonly referred to as NSAIDs – used for joint pain) during the same time frame.

Results?“Significant pain relief was found in the group that performed the at-home technique whereas minimal relief was found in the NSAID group.”Read that sentence again!
This little known technique was significantly more powerful than one of the most common drugs used for knee pain.

When I read the study…I was stunned.

However, as incredible and exciting as these results were…

There’s a DARK side to all this

You see, in 2016, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned the public about the use of NSAIDs…

They urged against NSAIDs stating… “there are SERIOUS side effects and are a major cause of drug-induced injury”…

In fact…

Every year in the United States… 107,000 patients are hospitalized from gastrointestinal bleeding from taking NSAIDs… and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year.

Now, you may be more level-headed than I am. Maybe you’ve just come to accept the fact that drugs are dangerous.

But I gotta tell you…this makes me angry.

People are hospitalized and… even dying from popping over-the-counter pain meds… when there is a BETTER solution, hidden inside your own body.

A natural, alternative method to speed up recovery, decrease swelling and soothe knee discomfort.

Unfortunately, there’s a VERY reckless group at the heart of the problem…

I’ll get to them in a second…

First let me share what I consider to be
my most controversial finding yet…

High-Grade MRI Scans Revealed 37% Cartilage REPAIR & Healing…

During my research, I came across an amazing medical study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Researchers performed a two-year study on 325 patients with cartilage deterioration (a common problem doctors have claimed for YEARS can’t be fixed… “There’s no nerve or blood supply… so it can’t heal”, they’d say)…

These patients discovered the knee’s “ability to self-heal” just like you’ll do today.

After two years, researchers used high-grade Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines and discovered that 37% of the participants in the study experienced cartilage improvements in their knees.

The author’s summed up the research with this simple but powerful statement…

“The MRI results showed cartilage repair and healing.”

Hard to believe isn’t it?

For YEARS… doctors have mistakenly told the public that cartilage deterioration can’t be fixed. In fact, just two decades ago, one of the 20th century’s foremost experts on cartilage, Dr. Henry Mankin claimed …“If you damage the cartilage, it doesn’t grow back.”

Now scientists are pushing back…

Dr. Constance Chu (a Stanford Professor and “Top Ranked Orthopedic Doctor” by US News and World Report) is convinced “articular cartilage can heal”…and her ground-breaking research using MRI technology proves it..

And she’s not alone in her thinking…

A recent study in Japan found that joint fluid levels significantly increase once you release the healing powers of your knee…this lubricates knee joints making them more flexible and mobile…

And in 2004, Doctors Huang and Zhao released their findings on knee joint mechanics…

They found ONLY a 5% misalignment in your patella (also known as your kneecap) can create a 4-fold increase in damage in only 18 months.

That’s 400% more damage to the delicate cartilage inside the knee joint!

But they also found that as soon as you bring the kneecap back into perfect alignment (using a simple 60-second “knee realignment exercise” you’ll learn in a bit) … they start to experience healing and rejuvenation…eliminating strain on the knee joint while they’re walking or standing…

Powerful isn’t it?

But you’re probably wondering…

“If This Knee-Healing Technique
Is So Powerful, Why Don’t More
People Know About It?”

And that’s a great question.

Well, remember earlier when I told you about the work of Dr. Donald “Don” Salls?

You see, after knee replacement surgery was introduced to the medical profession…That’s all they wanted to do.

Think about it.

A $50,000 “new knee” is a heckuva lot more lucrative to a knee doctor than giving you the tools to heal on your own.

Sad but true.

Knee surgeon’s rake in half a million bucks annually, ranking them the #1 highest paid doctors as published by online publication “Health Leaders” in 2017 (#2 are radiologists who make a cool $80,000 LESS!) …


And guess what?

A big chunk of that revenue comes from knee replacement surgery!

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a shame…

And to make matters worse…knee replacement surgeries are on the rise.

Orthopedics already makes up HALF of Medicare’s $20 billion budget with 600,000 knee surgeries each year and that’s expected to rise to 3.48 million/year by 2030 (a whopping 497% increase!)

When I discovered that…

I Knew It Was Time To Fight Back…

And that’s when I discovered exactly Dr. Salls system…

I learned the thought process behind his method and found ways to improve upon it using the latest scientific discoveries from orthopedics, physical therapy, kinesiology, and neurology.

For months, I poured over research, I looked at study after study looking for ways to expand on
Dr. Salls findings.

I looked at dozens of similar techniques and hundreds of case studies…all while using my decades of experience creating world-class fitness programs to put it all together into an easy to use and highly effective system.

After months of research, trial and error, and thousands of hours…

I developed a program that was unlike anything anyone had EVER created.

For the first time in over 52 years…

The work of Dr. Salls combined with modern techniques and years of research resulted in the creation of a gentle,
easy-to-use knee pain solution that can produce AMAZING results.

This revolutionary knee pain protocol can be done from the comfort of your own home and it takes just 5 minutes/day or less.

These self-healing techniques I’ve discovered are unlike anything you have ever seen before (even your PT is likely to have missed them).

In fact, when I started to teach my own clients how to perform these little-known, but powerful techniques…

The results took my breath away…

Gently Soothe-Away Knee Pain In The Comfort Of Your Own Home
(Just 5 Minutes/day)…
*results may vary from peron to person

This is what 53 year old Laurel Gustafson from Columbus, Ohio said…

“I have had 7 surgeries on my right knee but after just a few of the exercises (especially the patella manipulation ones) I felt less discomfort. Your sessions were so much more helpful than the last 9 physical therapy sessions!”

*results may vary from peron to person

Or 69 year old Debra Mastrovito from Atlanta, Georgia..

“I was skeptical such a simple and easy routine could actually improve my situation, but I am elated to share with you this had made a huge difference. I’ll be celebrating my 70th birthday next week and because of this program, I will be an example of “You’re never too old to be fabulous and pain-free!”

*results may vary from peron to person

Or 79 year old Michael Parker from San Jose, California…

who tore his meniscus playing football when he was 19 years old. He tried everything over the next 60 years to end his knee pain (pain meds, braces, herbal remedies) nothing worked….

“The results are amazing! After the third day the pain was gone!… I’m sure I’ll encounter some discomfort in the future but now I have the tools to deal with it!.”

*results may vary from peron to person

And 60 year old Greg Day from Ruston, Louisiana…

“I have been taking pain medication daily for my knee pain… but now I haven’t needed it for nearly two weeks… I have been concerned about long term side effects, now it appears long term side effects will be exercise instead of drugs, and at 60 that is good news!”

If this wasn’t enough, my Facebook message box FILLED with real people with real results. Here are just a handful from the other day…

Again, that’s just a small handful of stories I grabbed from my inbox the other day…

Story after story poured in… people’s lives being transformed. Knees that were now pain-free,and healthy.

Without relying upon invasive medical intervention…

My beautiful wife Allison… 12 weeks
pregnantwith our 4th child.

Without harmful pain meds that can destroy your health…

The results were amazing.

Oh and I almost forgot…my dear wife, Allison.

She now easily keeps up with our 3 kids and guess what?

No pain in her knee! No achyness. Nothing.

And our love making?

Well, I’m glad you asked…

Let me answer that by saying…

We recently found out we are pregnant with baby number 4!!!

Can you believe it!?

Here’s a recent pic I snapped of Allison with her growing “baby bump”…

You may be wondering… how you can promote healing inside your knee and even protect your knees for years to come?

I’m glad you asked…


The 5 Minute
“Feel Good Knees Method”
For Knee Pain Relief!

Feel Good Knees is an easy-to-follow 5 minute daily ritual… and it actually “feels GOOD while you do it”!

The powerful exercises, stretches and massage techniques found in Feel Good Knees helps people increase joint mobility, reduce harmful inflammation and can even soothe away knee pain. Our customers have been pleasantly surprised…

When they easily kneel to the floor to play with their grandbabies…Or painlessly squat down in their garden to harvest their zucchini plants…Or effortlessly rise up off their couch…
Without the slightest irritation in their knees.

Our customers have even reported that their knees feel young and healthy (like they were 20 years old again) and enjoy a full, restful night’s sleep…

And enjoy Zumba class again or gaze upon the early morning sunrise during your 7am walk…

And do it all WITHOUT your knees crying back at you.

Here’s a brief snapshot of the
life-changing tools you’ll discover in the
“Feel Good Knees Self-Healing System”…

Three 5 minute “knee healing” rituals you can do from the comfort and privacy of your own home (And it’s so easy you can do it…even if you’ve had past knee surgeries or struggle with your weight)… 7 rare and powerful “knee manipulation techniques” designed to reduce painful joint inflammation… 3 progressive levels that strengthen your knees each week… so your knees can handle any awkward twist or turn (Like lifting your groceries out of your 2017 Buick Enclave or swinging your new 5-iron on hole 18)… 23 HD instructional videos so you perform every technique with laser-like perfection… and ensure maximum healing… A little-known “leg release technique” to do before bed (it releases “trapped knee tension” and supports a full, restful night of sleep)…
And SO much more…

With the Feel Good Knees “Self-Healing” System…

You’ll never have to worry about cancelling your dream vacation to Europe because your knees “acted up”..

Or about the long-term side effects of over-the-counter pain medications…

Or about what life “could be like” if you had vibrant, healthy and strong knees.

But that’s NOT all…

You see, when you grab a copy of
Feel Good Knees, you’ll also get a
very special one-time bonus called
“1-Minute Rejuvenation Finishers

(Valued at $29.99)…
Here’s why this FREE Bonus is so important. You’ll discover…

6 powerful, one-minute “master knee exercises” – they can bring even DEEPER healing to your ligaments and tendons (discreetly perform them while standing in line at the grocery story… or while in the shower)…
A 10 second technique called “Seated Knee Tensors” – can eliminate pain in the back of the back of the knee (and soothes away tension after a long day of standing)…
The “8-point star” posture – can restore youthful flexibility to your hips, knees and ankles (so simple and easy you can do it while waiting for your bread to toast in the morning)
And SO much more…

But that’s not all… Today I have a SECOND free
bonus gift for you… called
“The Postural Alignment Guide”

(Valued at $29.99)…
In this special bonus, you’ll discover…

The 5 most common “postural mistakes” that wear down cartilage in your knees (these are EASILY avoidable, if you are aware of them)…
A powerful “patella alignment posture” tweak – brings alignment to your hips, knees and ankles (removing all additional strain on your knees)…
The “master sleep pose” (opens up your knees, relieves pressure the entire night so you can get deep REM sleep… and wake up feeling refreshed… ready to enjoy a full day)…
The BIGGEST mistake most people make when standing from a chair or recliner (increases strain on your knees by 84%)…
And So much more…

With this scientifically proven 5 minute ritual, you can speed up recovery in your knee and… increase strength, improve flexibility and reduce joint pain.

Knee pain may have robbed you of the simplest pleasure in life… but The Feel Good Knees Self-Healing System is here to help you get back the joy and freedom of pain-free movement…

Unlike other programs you may find from your PT, these techniques don’t hurt when you do them. They’ve been proven by thousands of other knee pain sufferers… and they work!

How can you get your hands on the
Feel Good Knees Self-Healing System?

Before I answer… let me tell you about one final, but important benefit…

After just a few short weeks of performing this gentle, easy 5-minute ritual, you’ll notice your legs looking more trim and slender.

The powerful techniques found in The Feel Good Knees Self-Healing System strengthen the muscles of your legs giving them a trim, lean appearance.

You may also be pleasantly surprised it’s easier to get up from your chair or bed.

In addition… Feel Good Knees can help to realign your entire posture bringing more stability to your hips, low back, neck, shoulders… and remove achiness in your low back caused by misalignment or tension.

The MOST Powerful
“Self-Healing System” To
End The Battle With Knee Pain…
If you are suffering from knee pain… you can’t put a number on how much it would be worth to be free from pain.

Living without pain is life-changing…

And a life of daily knee pain does NOT have to be your fate… because the knee DOES have the ability to self-heal…

Ok, so, let me be frank… if you insist on continuing to live with knee pain… here’s what you may have to look forward to…

Low energy, feeling OLDER THAN YOU ARE, walking in pain, and sadly being left behind by loved ones and the people you care about. However, this doesn’t have to be your path. You can now live your life free of pain.

With each day being better than the day before. Walking, looking and feeling normal again… feeling like you were 20 years younger.

Listen, for one session of physical therapy… you would end up paying at least 100 dollars… not including your time and gas. And of course, that’s only for ONE session…

Most of the time, the physical therapist requires multiple sessions…Sometimes even for months!

At $100 a pop… you could be looking at hundreds or even thousands of dollars (Not counting the fact, it’s HIGHLY unlikely your physical therapist will even know the techniques you’ll learn in the Feel Good Knees Self-Healing System)…

Truth is, with all the time and resources my team and I have put into discovering the fastest and MOST effective methods for eliminating knee pain… this program has $42,575.00 INVESTED into it…

If I were to price this program at the same cost a Physical Therapist would charge you… for just a few sessions…I should probably charge at least $497.99 (a relatively low health care cost considering the savings on pain meds, doctors visits, injections, etc)…

However, you won’t pay even HALF of that investment price which would be priced at $248.99…

Still… I’m going to do you an ADDITIONAL huge favor… You won’t even pay the cost of ONE physical therapy appointment (going rate is about $100 in my home state of Michigan)…

90% Off

one payment of


Because you are on this page today, I’m going to give you a special sale price of 90% OFF! You will get access to the system that can eliminate knee pain and help make your knees healthy and strong for just one payment of $27!

Now, I realize this is ridiculously inexpensive… and I don’t know how long I can keep it at this price.

Why is it so inexpensive?

I realize some of my customers have a fixed-income but are still desperate for help (I can’t bare the thought of any living person going through what my wife suffered through)…

So this is the absolute LOWEST I am able to price the program and still run this website without losing money (but with rising costs, I may have to INCREASE the price very soon)

Now please listen, I have something important to say… Feel Good Knees can help in a lot of ways, but you know the most important way?

Deeper connection with your family or loved ones.

When you have debilitating knee pain, you feel isolated… like you can’t join in on the fun…

Family and friends leave you at the sofa to watch, um… Jeopardy… by yourself … just you and Alex Trebek…

That’s not the life you were meant to live…

When you are active and not hindered by knee pain…

You are able to participate in the family walk after a holiday meal… or watch your grandbabies when your adult kids need a “weekend to themselves”… or enjoy a morning walking in the mall or downtown square… and “bump into old friends”, without the slightest hint of pain….

Get Relief From Your Knee Pain
or Get 100% Money Back

I’m convinced you’ll be amazed at how quickly your knees heal… and you’ll enjoy the pain-free living you once did.

I’m so sure you’ll be able to squat again in your vegetable garden and even feel GOOD when you stand back up… free from creaks and cracks… feeling steady (not like your knees are about to buckle)…

I’m offering you a 100% satisfaction, risk-free guarantee.

Try Feel Good Knees for 60 days and if you don’t experience a SIGNIFICANT pain reduction in your knees… or your quality of life is not improved tremendously… You don’t have to pay a dime.

In addition, I’ll let you keep the TWO special gifts just for taking the time to invest in yourself.

Yep, if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, just email me. No questions asked. You’ll get every penny back. I don’t want you to have to think twice about making this decision. A choice that will soon make your life so much better. That’s why I’ll take ALL the risk.

You be the judge.

You have to prove to yourself if these techniques will work for you. So accept my no-risk money back opportunity to try the program for yourself.

Get started today so you don’t miss a single moment of the pain-free life you’ve been missing…

Remember, you could continue to swallow down pain meds… ignoring the pending health complications (not to mention monthly costs eating away at your budget)…

You could also lay awake at 2 am worrying about what life will be like after Total Knee Replacement Surgery or… when you can’t take the pain any more… and are forced to use a cane or walker.

Or the WORST situation…

Just ignore the problem and “hope” it goes away (meanwhile inside your knee… cartilage deteriorates, inflammation rises and pain grows)…

That’s option ONE.

Option TWO is the natural, and powerful “self-healing” method… bringing renewal back to your knee.

The Feel Good Knees Self-Healing System can help heal the joint and make it feel years younger… healthy, strong… able to handle all of life’s plans.

Click the button below to visit the “Feel Good Knees 64-bit Secure Order Form”… just put in your detailed information… and you’ll be amazed at how simple it is to finally rid yourself of your knee pain.

If you’d like to finally
free yourself from knee pain and
again enjoy life to the fullest…

Claim Your Copy With Free Bonuses Now
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Get instant access to the Feel Good Knees System…

…PLUS instantly download the bonuses absolutely FREE!

Your Discounted Price: $30 $27

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60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve Had Knee Surgery, Is Feel Good Knees Okay To Do?We’ve had many people find amazing long-term pain relief from surgeries that didn’t work. As mentioned above, Laurel Gustafson (age 53) had 7 knee surgeries and the pain never left until she started our Feel Good Knees program. However if you have had a previous surgery it’s always best to consult your doctor before starting any program.Will I Be Able To Do This Even If I’m Injured?What’s The Best Time Of The Day To Do Feel Good Knees?How Many Times A Week Do I Have To Do Feel Good Knees?I Just Want To Get Back To My Workout Routine But My Knees Are Bothering Me, Is This For Me?Who Do I Contact If I Have Any Questions About The Program? I’ve Tried Online Programs Before And Nobody Helped Me.
If you’d like to finally
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again enjoy life to the fullest…

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Your Discounted Price: $30 $27

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15. Holland, Kimberly. “Chronic Knee Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 14 Apr. 2017,

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19. Mahmoud, Waleed S, et al. “Influence of Isometric Exercise Training on Quadriceps Muscle Architecture and Strength in Obese Subjects with Knee Osteoarthritis.” International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 7 Mar. 2017,

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23. Perlman, Adam I., et al. “Massage Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized Dose-Finding Trial.” PLOS Medicine, Public Library of Science,

24. Roberts, D. “Six Sessions of Manual Therapy Increase Knee Flexion and Improve Activity in People with Anterior Knee Pain: a Randomised Controlled Trial.” Six Sessions of Manual Therapy Increase Knee Flexion and Improve Activity in People with Anterior Knee Pain: a Randomised Controlled Trial, 2006,

25. Gounder, Celine. “Who Is Responsible for the Pain-Pill Epidemic?” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19 June 2017.

26. Marks, Ray. Obesity Profiles with Knee Osteoarthritis: Correlation with Pain, Disability, Disease Progression. Wiley/Blackwell (10.1111), 6 Sept. 2012,

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30. Huang, L. “Effects of Quadriceps Functional Exercise with Isometric Contraction in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis.” International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases., U.S. National Library of Medicine

31. Ojoawo, A O, et al. “Comparative Effects of Proprioceptive and Isometric Exercises on Pain Intensity and Difficulty in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomised Control Study.” Technology and Health Care : Official Journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14 Nov. 2016

32. Al-Johani, A H, et al. “Comparative Study of Hamstring and Quadriceps Strengthening Treatments in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science., U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2014

33. “What Is Causing This Patient’s Chronic Knee Pain? : Journal of the American Academy of PAs.” LWW, Oxford University Press,

34. Hoogeboom, Thomas J., et al. Merits of Exercise Therapy before and after Major Surgery. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Apr. 2014,

35. Biddulph, SL, et al. “A Possible Role of Synovial Fluid in Bone Healing.” SA Orthopaedic Journal, South African Orthopaedic Association

36. Decrease in Quadriceps Inhibition after Sacroiliac Joint Manipulation in Patients with Anterior Knee Pain.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Mosby, 4 Nov. 2005

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38. Hunter, David J, and Felix Eckstein. “Exercise and Osteoarthritis.” Journal of Anatomy, Blackwell Science Inc, Feb. 2009.

39. “Joint Pain.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 26 Feb. 2016.

40. Miyaguchi, M, et al. “Biochemical Change in Joint Fluid after Isometric Quadriceps Exercise for Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee.” Osteoarthritis and Cartilage., U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2003.

41. O’Reilly, Sheila C, et al. “Effectiveness of Home Exercise on Pain and Disability from Osteoarthritis of the Knee: a Randomised Controlled Trial.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 1 Jan. 1999

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